
Summary: There are differing characters that constitute the congregants in today’s church. Many of them are parasitic, misewtoe, and outright unserious. However there are few that are strategically planted by God to help the work, and some are there to pulverised

The Characters in the Wilderness Church

Acts 7:38


Going through the books of Exodus to Deuteronomy, we discovered about 8 categories (representing the chapters) of Characters that were prominent in the church in wilderness, which we can also find in the church of 21st century. They are:

1. The Mix-Multitudes: These are made up the following people:

a. The Mockers

b. The Sorcerers

c. The Ass that speaks

d. The Cursers (Balaks)

e. The Coveteous (Balaams)

f. The traditionists.

g. The Idolaters.

2. The Moses’: These consists of the following people:

a. The Prophets

b. The Pastors

c. The Priests

d. The Temperate

e. The Faithfuls

f. The Intercessors

g. The Heavenly bound

h. The Caring

3. The Joshuas: These include:

a. The goal-getters

b. The enablers

c. The sustainers

d. The role model

e. The follower

f. The born leader

g. The fighter

h. The progressives

i. The encouragers

4. The Calebs: These include:

a. The Untiring

b. The futurist

c. The power-brokers.

d. The visioner

5. The Jethros: These consists of:

a. The managers

b. The organizers

c. The visioners

d. The planner

e. The entrepreneur.

6. The Aarons: They are made up of:

a. The deceitful

b. The Ambitious

c. The helpers/hand-lifters

d. The idolaters

e. The double-minded

f. The unstable/unpredictables

7. The Levites: They are made up of :

a. The worshippers

b. The Waiters

c. The Servers

d. The supporters

e. The Helpers

8. The People: These are made up of the following:

a. The Stiff-necked

b. The Afflicted

c. The despisers

d. The mockers

e. The Poor/Needy

f. The yesterday

g. The Today’s

h. The Tomorrows

i. The Troublesome

j. The pretenders

k. The Deceivers

l. The All-Seasons

m. The Subtractors

n. The Fault-finders

o. The Divisive

p. The Additives

q. The Multipliers

r. The Unwilling

s. The Unexiciting

t. The Sychophants

u. The Critics

v. The Radicals

w. The Workaholics.

x. The Progressives

y. The Forward-looking

z. The Destitutes

aa. The Spectators

bb. The wicked (like Pharaoh)


Today, we have these characters in all our churches. Pastors must be wise and receive grace to deal with each of them so that they can become candidates for heaven. We cannot give up in relating with them, because it is for their sake the kingdom of God has come to earth.

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