The Blessed Perspective Series
Contributed by Tim Stutler on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There are two recipes in the Bible, one for blessings and one for cursings. Which one are you cooking up?
“The Blessed Perspective”
Slide 1 Luke 22:24-27 The disciples wonder who is the greatest
1. Every Human Naturally Has What It Takes To Be Miserable
-Romans 5:12 “Therefore, Just as through one man sin entered the world and DEATH through sin, and thus spread to all men, because all sinned
-Pr. 6:19 Proverbs 6:16-19 lists things God hates.. the first is a proud look, the last is “One who sows discord among the brethren.”
Where there is discord there is sin, where there is sin there is self worship.
(slide) SIN
(slide) PRIDE
Notice the letter "I" is at the center of each of these words. This same sense of self was evident in Lucifer and ADAM and is found in us today.
This perspective is part of the fall and to continue in it brings destruction.
What are the symptoms?
2. Symptoms of Self
-Gal 5:19-21
-James 3:13-4:3
Gal. Fruit of the spirit always puts others first, Works of the flesh…Self!
Symptoms include
Selfish, easily hurt, angered, sensitive (not to others but to how others treat you), critical, unforgiving, jealous, envious, lustful (sleeping with someone not your own), unkind, uncomplimenting, Self conscious, feel sorry for yourself, self-pity, disappointed , unfulfilled!
If you don’t serve in your church, If you don’t tithe to the Lord
(new slide)
Ungracious, Unkind, Uncaring, Unforgiving, Unsatisfied, Unfulfilled, Unhappy
All of these words start with "U"
(new slide; all the previous words plus this below them)
(new slide)
(New slide)
We see that "UR" in the middle of htese words!
Let these be reminders that celf-centeredness is a recipe for misery.
If these symptoms are evident in your life you will…
1. Be almost too stubborn to receive this message
2. Never experience the fullness of God’s grace (as you refuse to forgive others)
3. Never be elevated in the kingdom (the least shall be the greatest
4. Never experience love…real love 1 Cor 13
5. Make others miserable to be around you!
6. Cause discord and disunity as James, Prov, and Gal. states
When your perspective revolves around you, you are most certainly cursed…not blessed!
3. God Gives Us a New Perspective for Blessings… The Blessed Perspective
James 4:10 “Humble Yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up”
Humble yourself before God does. He may be looking at your life right now and determine that YOU are sitting on His throne!
Luke 14:7-11 Wedding feast
Luke14: 12-14 (underline the words “You Will be Blessed” in the text if able)
1. Receive salvation
2. Repent of your self
3. Crucify daily your selfish tendencies
4. See yourself in the 3rd person (explain) not to be abused but to be treated equally as others
I don’t want to guilt you into serving God and others. But I do want you to be fulfilled and blessed and your human nature (self centered, self consumed, self serving, selfish etc) will not allow you to be blessed unless you kill it! Like a child has to be taught to share, to be appreciative, to be polite and courteous, we too must withstand instruction, correction and exhortation to overcome the sin nature each one of us has built into us so that we may enjoy the blessed life and avoid the cursed! Is this painful? Yes? Do we want to do it? No! But like a sick child going to the doctor, we’d better take our shot or the illness of SELF will kill us!
You have to make a decision today and everyday. I will put Jesus first and others second
Ill. of british pow camp. A group of British POWs were dying off like flies because they were competing with each other for every scrap of food. It was every man for himself. Then, the men started working together and helped each other. They set up a school and they worshipped as well. These men began to prosper in the worst of conditions because they cared for each other and sacrificed for each other. Those men who learned thier lesson walked away from that camp at the end of the war.
May we learn this same lesson as we work together in the Kingdom of God.