
Summary: This is the first message about the relation of the Old Testament Tabernacle and the New Testament

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(adapted from a sermon by Mark Messmore)


TEXT: VARIOUS (Going to start with Ex. 25:1-9)


OPEN: A. This morning we start a series based on the preaching theme for this year

--“Discover the Lessons of the Tabernacle”

1. The Tabernacle was a large portable tent structure that served as the center of worship for the

Israelites as they traveled along their journey to the Promised Land

2. It was comprised of three main areas:

a. The Outer Court

--which was open to all when the correct sacrifices were brought

1). It was like a public meeting place.

--It’s dimensions were 100 cubit by 50 cubits: 150 feet x 74 feet = half a football field in

length and a fourth of a football field in width.

a). The fence around the outer courts was about 8 feet high joined together by rods over

which curtains of woven linen were draped

b). The curtains were 6ft. wide

--they were blue, purple and scarlet in color embroidered with figures of cherubim.

c). The entrance was always set up facing East.

2). Inside this Outer Court sat:

a). The altar of burnt offering

b). The washing basin

b. The Holy Place

--This is the area where the priests performed their daily duties

1). The walls were made of wooden boards covered on both sides with gold.

a). They were held in place by rods to give them support

b). The boards were about 16 feet high and 2 feet wide

2). Inside the Holy Place were:

a). The Menorah or candlesticks

b). The Table of Presence (Shewbread)

c). The Altar of Incense

c. The Holy of Holies

--It was an extension of the Holy Place – like a second chamber

1). No one went into The Holy of Holies except the High Priest

2). He only entered the Holy of Holies on one day of the year – The Day of Atonement

--It was here that the High Priest made the atonement sacrifice for all of Israel

3). The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies were separated by a very heavy curtain.

--It was made of thick blankets sewn together and supported by four pillars of wood

covered in gold and planted in silver sockets.

4). Inside the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant

--where the blood of the atonement sacrifice was poured out on the Mercy Seat

B. Before we get started, you need to understand that he study we’re going to do on the Tabernacle

concerns a big theological word


1. Don’t be frightened or confused by the use of such a word

a. It simply means that something in the Old Testament had meaning for its day but also pointed

to something that would take on meaning when Jesus Christ came to earth

b. It means the recognition of Old Testament places, or events, or people as prefiguring, or

foreshadowing, the gospel as we find it in the New Testament

2. To understand the typology of the Tabernacle, we first have to put it into context for the

Israelites at that time

a. Ex. 25:1-9 – “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are

to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give. These are the

offerings you are to receive from them: gold, silver and bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn

and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and hides of sea cows ; acacia wood; olive oil

for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense; and onyx stones and

other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece. Then have them make a sanctuary

for me, and I will dwell among them. Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly

like the pattern I will show you.”

--As you can see, the Tabernacle was not built according to any human design but according

to God’s precise design

b. The Tabernacle was hugely importance to the Israelites

1). The book of Exodus ends is with the completion of its construction

2). It describes that the glory of Lord descended upon the Tabernacle

3). Because the Tabernacle was portable, every time the people of Israel moved from one

location to another, the Tabernacle was set up in the center of the camp

4). Numbers chapters 2 & 3 gives extensive instructions for how the twelve tribes should set

up camp around the Tabernacle:

--Three tribes to the north; three tribes to the south; three tribes to the east; three tribes to

the west

5). God intended that the Tabernacle be central to the life of every Israelite

c. The pattern of the Tabernacle was followed when Solomon built the first Temple in

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