
Summary: This sermon describes how that God is the author of all life.

God of Wonders

The Author of Life

Genesis 1:31


“Top Ten Ways to Know You Need to Study Genesis”:

10. The kids are asking you too many questions about your unusual

bedtime Bible story: “Noah the Shepherd Boy and His Ark of Many


9. You keep falling for it every time your pastor says, “Please turn to the book of Melchizedek, ch. 14.”

8. You think the Tower of Babel is in Paris, France.

7. You catch your kids looking at pictures in their Bibles of the garden of

Eden and you demand, “Who gave you this trash?”

6. You become frustrated because Charlton Heston isn’t listed in your Bible’s concordance.

5. A small family of woodchucks has taken up residence in the Book.

4. Your favorite Old Testament patriarch is Hercules.

3. You open to Genesis and a WWII War Bond falls out.

2. You think Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had a few hits during the sixties.

1. Your pastor announces a new sermon series from Genesis and you check the Table of Contents to see if it’s in your Bible.

*Space is so vast that astronomers “…had to devise special units to keep their figures manageable. Their basic unit of distance is the light-year—the distance light travels in 1 year, is about 6 trillion miles (6 followed by 12 zeroes).” *Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is so far away that if one traveled at 30,000 miles per hour, it would take 100,000 years to reach it.

*According to astronomers, “…there are more than 100 billion stars in our own galaxy…” That’s just in our galaxy alone. Each one of those stars has different characteristics; they are all unique in some way.

*“On its annual journey around the sun, the earth travels at about 67,000 m.p.h.” If you’ve ever wondered why your head sometimes seems to spin, maybe that’s the reason.

God created the earth, the universe, and everything that exists. This fact is certain. Several years ago a scientist wrote an article entitled, Seven Reasons

Why I Believe in God. He argued his case as follows:

1. Consider the rotation of the earth. Our globe spins on its axis at the rate of one thousand miles an hour. If it were just a hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long. The vegetation would freeze in the long night or it would burn in the long day; and there could be no life.

2. Consider the heat of the sun. Twelve thousand degrees at surface temperature, and we’re just far enough away to be blessed by that terrific heat. If the sun gave off half its radiation, we would freeze to death. If it gave off one half more, we would all be crispy critters.

3. Consider the twenty-three degree slant of the earth. If it were different than that, the vapors from the oceans would ice over the continents. There could be no life.

4. Consider the moon. If the moon were fifty thousand miles away rather than its present distance, twice each day giant tides would inundate every bit of land mass on this earth.

5. Consider the crust of the earth. Just a little bit thicker and there could be no life because there would be no oxygen.

6. Consider the thinness of the atmosphere. If our atmosphere was just a little thinner, the millions of meteors now burning themselves out in space would plummet this earth into oblivion.

7. Finally, the fact that man is capable of grasping the idea of the existence of God is in itself sufficient evidence.

He concluded by saying, “These are reasons why I believe in God.”

3 Fold Nature of The Universe:

God Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Nature of Reality Matter, Space, Time

Physical Universe Mass, Energy, Motion

Matter (Atoms) Proton, Electron, Neutron

Space Length, Height and Breadth

Time Past, Present, Future

Mankind Body, Soul, Spirit

For many people today - to say that you believe the Bible. to say that Scripture is revealing the truth is laughable in some circles. Much of the reason for scoffing at the Word of God comes in the first ten words uttered in the book of Genesis: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

For a growing number of people in our world - that assertion makes the rest of the Bible unbelievable. To say that God created is to be a moron, a simpleton, a backwards backwoods country bumpkin not to be taken seriously. The Bible - and Genesis in particular - is viewed as a myth born out of ignorant man’s superstitious need to make sense of the universe around him.

But we know better. Everything we see around us was created in a large and complex way that can never be explained except that it happened by God,

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By: Timothy Peck

You viewed this on Monday, March 31
