The Apostles Series
Contributed by Josh Mcdowell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This a simply expository study of Acts 1:12-26. The (5 points) Apostles Styles, Supplication, Spokesman, Situation, Selection.
The Apostles Acts 1:12-26
1. The Apostles Styles (v.13)
This is an adapted idea from Herb Hodges book Tally Ho the Fox. Let’s look at the list of the Disciples here in Acts compared to the other three lists in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Matthew 10 Mark 3 Luke 6 Acts 1
Simon (called Peter) Simon (named Peter) Simon (named Peter) Peter
Andrew James Andrew John
James John James James
John Andrew John Andrew
Philip Philip Philip Philip
Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Thomas
Thomas Matthew Matthew Bartholomew
Matthew Thomas Thomas Matthew
James, son of Alphaeus James, son of Alphaeus James, son of Alphaeus James, son of Alphaeus
Thaddaeus Thaddaeus Simon the Zealot Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot Simon the Zealot Judas son of James Judas son of James
Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot -
Take note of the first fifth and ninth lines. Does it strike you as odd that these lines are the only three that contain consistent characters all the way across the different gospel writers lists?
Is this an indication that the master teacher style was a creation of Jesus?
I believe that it does indicate that Jesus had an organization of three small groups within His group of disciples.
a. Precipitate Men (Webster says precipitate means to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely or suddenly)
i. Peter was the Leader (cutting off the ear, stepping out onto the water, throwing off his clothes and swimming to Jesus…)
ii. James (Sons of Thunder)
iii. John (Sons of Thunder)
iv. Andrew (first home missionary John 1:40-42, the first youth worker John 6:8-9, first foreign missionary John 12:20-22)
b. Philosophical Men
i. Philip was the leader
ii. Thomas (doubting Thomas)
iii. Levi Matthew (writer of the most Philosophical gospel)
iv. Bartholomew
c. Political Men
i. James, son of Alphaeus was the leader
ii. Thaddaeus
iii. Simon the Zealot (Nelson’s illustrated Bible Dictionary tells us that the nickname Zealot referred to his association with a fanatical Jewish sect that militantly opposed the Roman domination of Palestine during the first century AD.)
iv. Judas Iscariot (The Zealots that followed Simon’s time eventually disintegrated into a group of assassins known as Sicarii a Latin word meaning dagger men. The nickname Iscariot following Judas’ name may get its name from that word, sicarii. A sicarii was a small dagger. Certain revolutionaries who pledged to kill any Roman official whom they could get their hands on carried this dagger.)
What could we learn from the different styles of the Apostles?
What does the different styles Jesus selected as His followers tell us about Jesus?
What thoughts go through your mind as we consider the possibility that Simon the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector meet on the street prior to their following Jesus?
Which of these styles is more like your personality?
2. The Apostles Supplication (v.14)
a. Consistent prayer (with one mind)
The prayers of these men were consistent one with another. This was a group of men praying toward the same goal. The church must be a group of Christians organized and praying with a consistent theme. To pray with a consistent theme we need to have consistent goals, mission, vision, and purpose.
What would be our consistent prayers?
Does your family have a set of consistent prayers? …your Sunday School class? …your church?
b. Continual prayer (continually)
How many prayer needs can you name that you have faithfully prayed for over one year?
What is so important to you that you want to be that consistent in prayer about?
Are you willing to allow someone to hold you accountable to praying continually for that prayer need?
c. Committed prayer (devoted)
It could be translated that the Apostles were of one mind and were continually in prayer and worship. The Greek wording implies both a continuation of prayer and a continuation of devoted or worshipful prayer. The Apostles were committed to the cause of Christ and therefore there prayers had power.
How committed are you to the one to whom you pray?
3. The Apostles Spokesman (v.15-22)
a. Peter stood
The 120 gathered together needed a leader to stand up and regroup the troops. This is a good thing to remember as you and I have to make a decision. Peter had the confidence to stand and speak because he had a promise from God’s word.
When Chantae’ (my wife) and I were dating we felt strongly that it was time for us to get married. I was a student at Fruitland at that time and I was sincerely praying that God would make His direction clear to me. After one of the daily chapel service there I decided to go up to the prayer room to truly seek God about our future. After praying and before I even understood the idea of asking God for a promise from His word to stand on… I simply opened my Bible to read. I read in II Chronicles 6:2 “I have build a house of habitation for thy dwelling place…” The biggest deterrent to Chantae’ and I getting married at that point had been the need for a place to live. But I went home telling Chantae’ that I felt like God was going to give us a house to live in. We laughed and joked about it for the next two days and then it happened. God gave us a free place to live.