
Summary: In this sermon, we will explore few examples of Satan's attacks on our anointing and learn how to stay under God's protection.

As believers, we are constantly engaged in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. Satan, the enemy of our souls, seeks to destroy our anointing and hinder our effectiveness in serving God. One of the ways he accomplishes this is by using people to attack and discourage us. In this sermon, we will explore few examples of Satan's attacks on our anointing and learn how to stay under God's protection.

1. David and King Saul (1 Samuel 18:10-11)

After David's victory over Goliath, King Saul became jealous and sought to kill him. This is a classic example of Satan using someone in a position of authority to attack God's anointed. David, however, trusted in God's protection and was able to escape Saul's attacks.

2. Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37:18-28)

Joseph's brothers, fueled by jealousy and resentment, plotted to kill him. This is another example of Satan using people to destroy God's anointed. However, God was with Joseph and delivered him from his brothers' evil plans.

3. Moses and the Israelites (Exodus 14:10-12)

As Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they began to doubt and fear. Satan used their unbelief to attack Moses and God's plan. However, Moses stood firm in his faith and trusted in God's protection.

4. Elijah and Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-3)

After Elijah's victory on Mount Carmel, Jezebel threatened to kill him. Satan used Jezebel's anger and hatred to attack Elijah's anointing. However, Elijah trusted in God's protection and was able to escape.

5. Job and His Friends (Job 2:7-10)

Satan used Job's friends to attack his anointing and faith. They accused Job of sinning and told him to curse God. However, Job remained steadfast in his faith and refused to give in to Satan's attacks.

6. Jesus and the Pharisees (Matthew 12:22-24)

The Pharisees, fueled by jealousy and pride, sought to destroy Jesus' anointing. They accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Satan. However, Jesus stood firm in His faith and exposed the Pharisees' evil intentions.

7. Paul and the Judaizers (Galatians 2:4-5)

The Judaizers, a group of false teachers, sought to undermine Paul's anointing and message. They taught that Gentile believers needed to follow Jewish law in order to be saved. However, Paul stood firm in his faith and refused to compromise the gospel.

8. Daniel and the Babylonian Officials (Daniel 6:1-5)

The Babylonian officials, fueled by jealousy and resentment, sought to destroy Daniel's anointing. They plotted to have him thrown into the lions' den. However, God was with Daniel and delivered him from the lions.

9. Stephen and the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:8-15)

The Sanhedrin, a group of Jewish leaders, sought to destroy Stephen's anointing. They accused him of blasphemy and stoned him to death. However, Stephen stood firm in his faith and prayed for his persecutors, demonstrating the power of God's protection.


As we can see from these examples, Satan often uses people to attack and destroy our anointing. However, we can stay under God's protection by:

Trusting in God's sovereignty and power

Standing firm in our faith and refusing to compromise

Praying for our persecutors and demonstrating God's love

Surrounding ourselves with believers who will support and encourage us

Staying focused on our mission and purpose

By following these principles, we can stay under God's protection and fulfill our calling as God's anointed servants.

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