
Summary: This teaching reveals the new age trick of the devil against the church and it's growth. The Devil has been conquered and out rightly subdued.


holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the one who was, is and is to come.

As I write under the influence of the Holy ghost, it is my heart desire that this teaching will fulfill purpose and a actualize vision that is aimed at bring the truth at the forefront and repositioning the body of Christ.

We are at an age where ministers of the gospel stay away from addressing matters of urgent importance that have eaten deep into the church structure for two major reasons I have identified to be:

I. A desire to be indifferent born out of the fear of losing their congregation.

II. A desire to bend the truth, so as to continually enjoy patronage.

The devil is having a field day having observed the two loopholes in the body of Christ and while the church slept, he the devil, planted his machineries with an agenda to misrepresent what JESUS CHRIST stood and stands for.

I am very disturbed by the events which plays across cities of the world, particular those that have sneaked into the church.

When I remember the things I read and heard of the revivals that struck Europe and America in the early days of the spread of the gospel and how the likes of Smith wigglesworth paid kingdom sacrifices to take the gospel to Africa and also marry the new age event where the church has become a dump site for all manner of rubbish such as promoting homosexuality, alcoholism, indecent dressing and engraving tattoos.

Nearly everyday, stories of senior pastors hit news headline reporting their involvement in all manner sexual molestation and Child Abuse.

As I became worried and communed with the Holy Spirit on how the church got to this level, the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, "at some point, the church relaxed and while the church slept, the devil took advantage and slotted in his demonic machineries into the church, most of whom have sneaked their way into the leadership structure and are manifesting the works of Darkness to erase the valued and power that is tied to the church.

The Holy Spirit also made me to understand that errors, deception and lies have a life span and does not last long for surely they will be blown open and corrected, but if this must happen, we must all arise and take our place by responding to the heavenly measured move of God represented in the book of Haggai 2:22,

"And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother."

As I conclude the first part of this series, let me ask whoever has come across this message a simple question- When God shakes the heaven and the earth dethroning satanic machineries from the church circle, will you be found prepared, properly aligned and balanced to be among the new revival (Kingdom Machineries)?

This is just an introduction. God bless you as I promise to return by the magnificent and special grace of God with a continuation of this series- THE ERRONEOUS GOSPEL

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