
Summary: Revival is when God does a fresh work in those who are already saved, in His family, flock, Kingdom. . . who have grown weak through sin, got religious, lost their fire.

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Revival: A Surprising Move of God

(Revival Primer & Preparation Series) 1 of 4

September 2, 2015 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson


A On September 26, Dr. Len Turner will be leading our annual revival services.

1 We’ve had revival services at CFBC on an annual basis for many years. . . this Church was birthed out of a revival in 1937.

a “Revival” is a church word, but that doesn’t mean the world doesn’t use it. (Revival of vintage clothes, bluegrass music when ‘O, Brother Where Art Thou’, Revival of beards on men, etc.,)

aa I was saved in 1978 at a revival service at Odin FBC.

bb I grew up thinking revival was when we had a guest preacher, guest singers, had church all week long, pizza on youth night, pack-a-pew night, most of all I remember lots of people getting saved . . . this is what I thought revival services was when I was a kid.

b Evangelism is not revival is really referring to. (Although people can get saved during “revival.”)

aa Revival is what God sends to His own people, the Church. (Lost people don’t need revival, they need resurrection.)

bb Revival is when God does a fresh work in those who are already saved, in His family, flock, Kingdom. . . who have grown weak through sin, got religious, lost their fire.

2 Here are some definitions of revival that may help us better understand what it is:

a “Revival is that sovereign work of God in which He visits His own people, restoring and releasing them into the fullness of His blessing.” -Robert Coleman

aa “Revival is an extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.” -Richard Own Roberts

bb “Revival is a reanimating of those who already possess life. Revival in the strict sense of the word has to do with God’s people. It revives spiritual life that is in a state of declension. Revival is an instrument of evangelism.” - C.E. Autrey.

cc People can (& do) get saved during revival. Jonathan Edwards wrote about the First Great Awakening, “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Wrok of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in North Hampton and the Neighboring Towns and Villages.” EVANGELISM CAN FLOW OUT OF REVIVAL . . . but winning souls isn’t the primary focus of revival.

b “Revival is God’s invasion into the lives of one or more of His people in order to awaken them spiritually for kingdom ministry.” -Malcom McDow & Alvin Reid.

c “Awaken” is an interesting word. . . God isn’t asleep on the job, fallen asleep behind the wheel’s the church that has dozed off, fallen asleep

B Revival requires both the natural & supernatural.

1 In the supernatural, God invades the lives of His people, exercises His sovereignty, releases His power and fulfills His purposes.

a In the natural, the Christian fulfills the requirements of 2 Chron. 7.14: humility, prayer, seeking God and repentance.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NASB) 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

b Revival happens when Christians cooperate, God produces revival.

2 Revival is needed in the church . . .

a When they have left their first love . . .

aa When they are going through the motions, or as Paul writes, “having a form of godliness but denying its power.” (2 Tim. 3.5)

bb When we’re wallowing in sin, (maybe regretting our sin/mourning over it), but unwilling to repent of them.

b The church needs revival when we grow cold, stagnant toward Jesus.

C J.I. Packer (Anglican Priest) lists 5 marks of revival:

1 Awareness of God’s presence.

2 Responsiveness to God’s Word.

3 Liveliness in Community (We’re full of life, joy, and power of the Holy Spirit)

4 Sensitive to sin.

5 Faithfulness in testimony (We are so happy about what Jesus has done for us, it overspills into our relationships and into the world.)


A Have you ever noticed that sickness breaks out at work, school, home . . . more times than not it infects the others near them?

1 When one of us gets “infected” within this church, share our testimonies, the revival expands through the entire congregation.

a In a church, it always starts with one/two who get ignited by the Holy Spirit . . . only then does it spread.

b If we think the church is going to be revived as a whole, ignite all at once, we’re going to be disappointed.

aa Revival always (ALWAYS) starts with just a few folks.

bb Revival can happen to you personally and it’s still revival.

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