
Summary: This Sunday’s Message Begins our “Reset Your Life” series. In our message, we’ll look at our need to hit the reset button in our lives that will reset us back to God’s original design, that is, to our initial state and to move towards a whole new plan, purpose, and future especially designed by God.

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Resetting Your Life


There’s an old saying, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

With the pandemic and its high mortality rate coupled with a worldwide financial crisis and social upheaval, there seems to be an understanding amongst world leaders that the world needs a reset. They are calling it “The Great Reset.” And what they’re calling for is a complete deconstruction of all the existing national agendas, and in essence, pushing the “reset” button for a new global agenda.

John Kerry, past U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and committed environmentalist, speaking about a recent World Economic Forum said, “This is a big moment. The World Economic Forum is really going to play a front and center role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequity – all of which is being laid bare as a consequence of COVID-19.”

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, said, “Canada believes that a strong, coordinated response across the world and across sectors is essential. This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.”

Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum said, “The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit any more for the 21st century. In short, we need a great reset."

In his report, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Klaus talked about how the coronavirus has “brought economic disruption on a monumental scale contributing to a dangerous and volatile global upheaval – politically, socially and geopolitically – while raising deep concerns about the environment and the extending reach of technology into our lives.” And how nothing will ever return back to pre-COVID normal.

Actually, he used the terms “before coronavirus” (BC) and “after coronavirus” (AC).

But what he writes about, is how this whole idea of a reset shouldn’t take us by surprise. He said, “If such profound social, political and economic changes could be provoked by the plague in the medieval world, could the COVID-19 pandemic mark the onset of a similar turning point with long-lasting and dramatic consequences for our world today?”

Now, while his report deals with many areas, the two areas that stood out to me, and that which is readily recognized is that of economics and social unrest. And what we’re presented with are everyone’s ideas, or what I call “Think Tank Politics.”

In the heart of the pandemic in 2020 the think tankers, from this report found it hard to imagine how inflation could pick up anytime soon, and that in a post pandemic era, strong consumer demand is unlikely. Well, those two predictions have fallen flat on their face, and it only took a couple of months.

Now, this is not a message about the state of the economy or world, but I really need us to understand what I am referring to when I talk about our need to “reset” our lives.

To reset means to make an adjustment, to set something to a new setting, or to set it back to its initial state. And so, while the reset they have imagined deals with the world around us, the reset that God desires is about what lies within us.

Humanity, as far back as Adam and Eve has fallen short of God’s glory, that is, we’ve fallen short of His holy and righteous standard for life. But rather than keeping us in this condition, God, through Jesus’s death and resurrection, hit the reset button so that we don’t perish in our sin.

Today, I think it’s safe to say that things have not been all that great, and what we see and hear, is that it’s only getting worse. Life, as some say, bites, and the world has a hold of us and is conforming us to its way of thinking and is getting deeply ingrained in our souls.

And because of this we need to hit the reset button in our lives that will reset us back to God’s original design, that is, to our initial state and then into a whole new plan, purpose, and future. We need to reset ourselves to get where God wants us to be, and not where we want to be, or where the world wants us to be.

For those of us who know Jesus as our Savior and Lord, remember what it was like in the beginning, where we would spend time with Jesus and being generally overjoyed with this new life. This is the reset that God is calling for. It’s where we get back to that child-like faith because this is what will make a difference in the world, literally.

And to do so we cannot forget the time when we first fell in love with Jesus as we were delivered from sin and death and made alive in Him.

In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus has now made those who were dead in their trespasses and sins, alive in Him, and He has raised us up, reset our lives, with heaven as our eternal home.

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