
Summary: God’s renewal is a transformative process that touches every aspect of a believer’s life. The Bible reveals that God not only redeems us from sin but also renews us, making us into new creations who reflect His character and live out His purposes.

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# 1. Redeemed and Renewed

Title: "Renewed and Redeemed: Embracing God's Transforming Grace"

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[a] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Psalm 51:10 (ESV): "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." This heartfelt plea from King David demonstrates his desire for spiritual renewal and transformation.

I remember trying to get approved for our first mortgage. There were a number of difficulties and it was very frustrating both for me, and I'm sure for our agent. But after all the sweat and tears we got approval and consequently the offer on the house we wanted was accepted. Some weeks later I called our guy again, that was his name, Guy. And gave him an update on our financial picture, wanting to make sure everything was still in order. My wife has taken this job, this credit card is paid off, we sold this vehicle.... things had happened and our financial picture was clearer and better. I thought Guy would be pleased, but he explained to me very politely ... IT DOESN'T MATTER. You are ALREADY approved. I could have quit my job, maxed out my credit cards, bought a dozen cars on credit ... that wouldn't have changed the equations. I was already approved.

Christian, you are already approved. God has accepted you, ALREADY. Not because of your efforts, not because you are worthy, because of GRACE.

Text… ALL things are new, the old has passed away. We’re renewed and redeemed!

Introduction: Scott Wylie writes… Renewal, as a biblical discipline, is a transformative process that Christians embark upon to rejuvenate their spiritual lives. It involves the deliberate effort to draw closer to God, shedding old ways and adopting a renewed mindset in alignment with His will. Throughout the Bible, God encourages His people to engage in the process of renewal, assuring them of His transformative power and grace.

God’s renewal is a transformative process that touches every aspect of a believer’s life. The Bible reveals that God not only redeems us from sin but also renews us, making us into new creations who reflect His character and live out His purposes. This renewal is an ongoing process that continues throughout our lives as we grow closer to God.

I. How Has God Renewed Us?

1. Renewing Our Minds- One of the primary ways God renews us is by transforming the way we think. Our natural minds are shaped by the world and our sinful desires, but through God’s grace, He renews our minds so that we can understand His will and align our thoughts with His truth.

Romans 12:2 speaks directly to this renewal: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

God Has Transformed Our Minds…

• Through the Work of the Holy Spirit- The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in renewing our minds. As believers, the Spirit lives within us, guiding us in truth and convicting us when our thoughts and actions stray from God’s path. The Holy Spirit helps us grow in spiritual understanding, bringing about inner transformation.

• By Shifting Our Focus to Godly Things- God renews our minds by helping us shift our focus away from negative, harmful, or sinful thoughts and toward things that are true, noble, and pure. As we intentionally focus on these godly virtues, our minds become more attuned to what pleases God, leading to inner transformation and growth.

• Through Community and Fellowship- God uses the community of believers to help renew our minds. Fellowship with other Christians can provide encouragement, accountability, and wisdom. Through sharing life with others who seek to follow Christ, we are challenged to think differently and to grow in our spiritual understanding.

• By Replacing Old, Sinful Patterns with New, Godly Ones- Renewing our minds involves leaving behind old, sinful habits and thought patterns. God calls us to put off our "old self" and to take on a new attitude in our minds that reflects the holiness and righteousness of Christ. This daily process of sanctification is God’s work in us, molding us to be more like Jesus.

2. Renewing Our Hearts- God also renews our hearts, giving us new desires, motivations, and a passion to live for Him. The Bible teaches that our hearts are naturally inclined toward sin, but through God’s renewing work, He replaces our sinful hearts with hearts that long for righteousness.

In Ezekiel 36:26, God promises: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

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