
Summary: This is the 12th study in the book of Acts this study deals with Peter softening his heart to the Law so he could open the door of salvation to the Gentiles.

Peter Softening to the Law

Acts 9:31-43

Acts # 12

As we start this section of Acts we will see that Salvation is getting ready to come to the Gentiles. The Gospel is meant for all people not just the Jewish people. In the start of this section we see that Peter, the leader of the church, is going from town to town and we assume was preaching and helping believers in the towns.

I. The miracles God did through Peter.

A. The healing of Aeneas. 32-35

1. He lived in Lydda.

2. Hid problem was he was bed ridden because of being paralyzed.

3. He had bed this way for eight Years.

4. Peter told him that he was healed by Jesus Christ.

5. Peter told him to get up and walk.

6. All that saw him believed in the Lord.

a. All that were in Lyyda.

b. All that were in Sharon.

NOTE: All that saw him and knew that he had been paralyzed turned to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This needs to be what happens to other around us when our lives are changed. When we are healed from our sins people around us should see the difference and be able to come to Christ because of what he has done for us.

B. The raising of Tabitha. 9:36-42

1. Tabitha was a disciple in Joppa.

2. She was a disciple that did great deeds which she always did.

a. Kindness.

b. Love.

3. She fell sick and died.

NOTE: The text tells us that she was a great person and did many great things for people and that she was a believer. But she still fell sick and died. That tell me that bad things just do not happen to Bad people but things just happen.

4. They were preparing Tabitha for burial.

5. Some of the disciples knew that Peter was not far off and sent for him.

NOTE: I believe these people knew that Peter could petition God to raise her from the dead.

6. When Peter arrive there was the proper mourning going on.

a. People were crying.

b. People were remembering

NOTE: When there is a death a person needs to cry and they need to remember.

7. The action of Peter.

a. He sent everybody out of the room.

b. He prayed.

c. He told Tabitha to rise.

8. The result.

a. She opened her eyes.

b. She saw Peter.

c. She sat up.

d. Peter helped her up.

e. Peter called the saints.

9. The over all result:

a. Many People heard about the miracle.

b. Many people believed in the Lord.

NOTE: The result of this sickness, death, and Miracle was many people came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

C. The softening of Peter to the Law. 43

NOTE: The text tells us that Peter stayed in Joppa for many days. It is interesting to see where he stayed a tanner. According to the law tanners were unclean. They were unclean because they were in constant contact with dead animals. According to the Law there were certain cleansing rites a person had to go through if they came in contact with a dead animal. But at his time in history the scribes and the Pharisees had polluted the law in such a way that these people that made their living tanning hides were despised by the Jewish people. But here we see Peter staying with some one that was despised. I believe that God was using this to soften Peter to the Law.

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