
Summary: How one can be patient during severe trials?

Patience through Oppression

James 5:7-11

PROPOSITION: Because Christ manifested patience during His life and crucifixion, you must practice patience regardless of your circumstances.

I. Experience the fruitfulness of patience.

A. Plan for a lifetime of persistent endurance (7)!

WATCH YOUR SPIRIT – soul response

1. The Christian has an eager expectation for precious fruit!

a. He excitedly anticipates its FRUITION.

b. He understands the fruit is PRECIOUS.

2. The Christian demonstrates long spirited patience!

a. He realizes precious fruit requires TIME to mature.

b. He realizes God is in control of its FRUITION.

B. Prepare your heart to stand firm (8)!

WATCH YOUR HEART – soul condition

1. Be resolved to standing firm! (8a)

a. God is WORKING in your life.

b. God is PRODUCING a harvest in your life.

2. Be cognizant that Christ’s return is nearing (8b).

a. Have a sense of spiritual urgency.

b. Keep working and waiting.

C. Purpose to please the Lord with your attitude (9)!

WATCH YOUR MOUTH – soul disposition

1. Guard your response to oppression (9a).

a. It is an inner distress.

b. It can bring condemnation.

2. Recognize God is entering at the door (9b).

a. He is present (standing now).

b. He is the judge.

II. Enjoy the blessing of steadfastness.

A. Do the will of God regardless of the outcome (10).

1. The prophets were in the will of God yet suffered.

a. Faithfulness leads to persecution.

b. Christ was faithful led to the Cross.

2. The prophets’ were an example of the correct response.

a. They didn’t compromise their message.

b. They stayed faithful in spite of suffering.

B. Experience the blessings of the Lord (11).

1. Job demonstrated loyal endurance.

a. His patience was endurance under great stress.

b. His patience was sustained by the grace of God.

2. Job experienced God’s blessings.

a. The Lord is compassionate.

b. The Lord is merciful.

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