Model Prayers For A Victorious Life Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Model Prayer teaches us to forgive others to get your forgiveness. The fervent prayers has answers. The best sayings on prayers Ask-Seek-Knock. God gives the best in your life. Pray until you get it.
Luke 11:1-13
The Greatness of the Prayers
Jesus offers a three-part teaching, including a model prayer, a parable about prayer, and some sayings about prayer. Luke stresses the importance of prayer in Jesus' life (Lk. 3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 9:28, 10:21-22, 11:1, 22:41-4, 23:46).
1. Model Frequent Prayers (v.1-4)
Daily prayers, frequently repeating prayers. All inclusive prayers. Lord’s prayer reveals that God is a Prayer answering God.
“He is the heavenly father, and in Prayer you must acknowledge and glorify God, Always eager to do the Will of God, confessing the forgiveness of God and even give to others. Remember the provision of God, and the providence of God, and acknowledge the redemptive power of the Son of God”.
It reminds us of our limitations and God’s greatness. This prayer is more powerful, dynamic and energizing one. The daily needs of a human personality is reflected in the Lord’s prayer. With our sinful nature, hard heartened personality, with corrupted mind and thought we cannot repeat this prayer.
Many at times I used to struck at the word “forgive our trespass as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Am I a true follower of Christ? Can I boldly say that I live up to the standard of the Lord’s prayer? Often the answer is NO, a very big NO. I am a stiff-necked person, self fish fleshly, unbending personality.
2. Fervent Prayers(v.5-8)
Merciful friend in need. God answers and gives answer to those who are adamant and fervent in prayer. God changes the plans, if we pursue the matters. The fearful and tearful prayers can bring volte-face(change of direction- Is 38:1-7 death turned into life) changes in the life of the devotee. There were many challenges in the Bible for saints yet those who continued in the prayer till they get the answers from God( Jacob said: Unless you bless me…Gen.32:26). They prayed day and night. They will not cease unless they see the moving of the hand of God.
This is a shameless prayer, without end to begging. The best example is Abraham bargaining with God for Sodom(Gen.18:22-33). Another example is Daniel praying for the exiled nation(Dan.2:17-19).
3. Fantastic sayings on Prayers (v.9-13)
Promise fulfilling God. Ask, seek and knock are the three unchanging principles of God. The Lord Jesus gave this formula of “ASK-SEEK-KNOCK”. Jesus told that no one can fail if they ask-seek-and knock the doors of God. Pray in Spirit, he will guide you and teach you how to pray, what to seek and how to knock the doors of God.
4. Focused Prayers
Even the wicked human fathers will not give to their children which will not be suitable to their bodies. He will see that his children eat good food, nourishing food and healthy food. When your relationship is right with God, he will honor our pleas, prayers and petitions.
More often we are not asking as per the direction of God, we are not seeking the blessings where it is found. We don’t knock the right doors. God gives the best answers, fruitful answers, excellent life changing answers. Answers delayed are not answers denied. Its only waiting time for God’s time to hasten the blessings.
Be specific, focused, one goal, one aim, one thought in the prayers. Often we are not determined, we diluted in the focuses, shifting from the points. May God help you to be focused in your prayer and be blessed by Him, Amen.