
Summary: Isaiah 9:6-7 The child shall be called "divine and brings power, permanency and parenthood.

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Two women stopped in front of another store window at Christmastime. In the midst of all the merchandise was a small little Nativity scene. And one woman remarked to the other:

"What do you know about that! Even the church is trying to horn in on Christmastime."

That comment is similar to another woman’s attitude. "Most of the Christmas songs," she complained, "are too distressingly theological!"

Well, after all, Christmas was a rather theological affair, wasn’t it?

Would that the world could see how "theological" it really is. Isn’t it really something when a baby born in a stable in a place called Bethlehem, thousands of miles from the United States, causes traffic jams in countless cities, twenty centuries later? Adapted from Donald L. Deffner, Seasonal Illustrations, Resource, 1992, p. 14


The child shall be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR (last week we looked at this phrase from the view of psychology (counselor), government (advisor) and legal (attorney). Today we want to look at the next four words, and forgive me for changing the order of the words slightly.


MIGHTY (power) Shaddai – Lord of Host, Lord God almighty,

EVERLASTING (permanency)

FATHER (paternity)


I. GOD – In English don’t have the flavor that the Hebrew language has in speaking about God. In Hebrew there a number of words used in speaking about God that in English are just translated God. Quickly let me just cover a few in order to lay some groundwork for what I want you to understand about our passage today.

1. Jehovah – when Moses ask whom shall he say sent him to the Egyptians. God says say that “I AM” sent you. Without getting into the technicalities of the Hebrew what God said was tell them that JEHOVAH sent you. The one who exists and continues to exist. This phrase explains the consternation caused by Jesus when he said that before Abraham existed, I AM!

2. A more common word is the word EL (singular) meaning power. It is used most frequently in combination with other words that describe some character or attribute. ELOHIM (plural) meaning the one whom creates. “Genesis 1 in the beginning God (ELOHIM) created.” “And God (ELOHIM) said, let us make man in our image (singular). ELSHADDI – meaning God almighty. ELYONA – meaning the one who is above all things working in secret. Now notice a couple of things:

a. EL – means power, or potency, the first cause by all things has come to be and by which they continue to be. That sustaining power, upholding power.

b. SHADDI – means power also but seems to reflect that power that breaks through, overcomes, victorious, to burst forth, etc.

In our passage these are the two words used. A child shall be born and he shall be called EL = GOD. The first cause of all things, the sustainer and up holder of all things. And he shall be called SHADDI = MIGHTY. The power that breaks forth breaks through and causes victories. The over comer of all things.

Now I want you to see this clearly because I want you to unequivocally understand. When Isaiah prophesied here about this child that would come he said something’s that are very distinct. This child would be called GOD. Not just some synonym of god but he would be called GOD. In addition he would be called mighty the one who causes things to change. The one who was to be the over comer and victorious one in this world. When you and I face impossible situations we need to recognize that we have laid claim to a savior who is both the creator of all things but also one who is the provider of overcoming power.

ILLUSTRATION ABOUT GOD’S NAME - Jehovah was spoken only once a year when the High Priest went into the holy of holies to offer sacrifice for the sins of all the people. Legend tells us that Jehovah was so holy that as scribes were recording the words of scripture when they came to the word Jehovah they laid down their pen and went and found a brand new pen that have never been written with and used it to record the Holy Name.

The child character – EL and his capacity = SHADDI.

CONCLUSION: When this child who Isaiah is prophesying about comes there were FOUR things about him that Israel (and the entire world) would know.

First and fore most He would be known and called DIVINE!

Is it any wonder that when Jesus confronted the demons throughout his ministry that they above all others knew and acknowledged Jesus’ divinity by referring to him as the Son of God? The spiritual world obviously would know who this child was and what was His true identity.

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Sonny Thomas, Sr.

commented on Dec 8, 2010

The word used for the English translation of "mighty" in Isaiah 9:6 is not the Hebrew word, "Shaddai." The Hebrew used here is "gibbowr" which means a chief, a champion, a strong man.

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