
Summary: Healthy church ministry as modeled by the Church in Thessalonica

Marks Of A Healthy Church

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

1. The Foundation of the Church was Solid. (vv. 1-4)

A. Because of the position they enjoyed -

“in God … Christ”

B. Because of the peace they experienced –

“grace and peace”

C. Because of the prayers they expected –

“always for you all”

D. Because of the pattern they exhibited –

“Work of faith” ; “Labor of love” ; “Patience of hope”

E. Because of the purpose of their election –

“Knowing … your election of God”

2. The Founding of the Church was Spiritual. (vv. 5)

A. The founding was Scriptural. -

“our Gospel came … in Word”

B. The founding was with Strength. -

“in power”

C. The founding was of the Spirit. -

“in the Holy Ghost”

D. The founding was with Surety. -

“in much assurance”

E. The founding was according to godly Standards. -

“what manner of men we were among you”

3. The Following of the Church was Steadfast. (v. 6)

A. They followed their leaders.

“followers of us”

B. They followed their Lord.

“and of the Lord”

C. They followed with longsuffering.

“in much affliction”

D. They followed with laughter.

“with joy”

4. The Faith of the Church was Shared. (vv. 7-9)

A. Their witness was vocal –

“sounded out”

B. Their witness was verbal –

“the Word”

C. Their witness was vital –

“spread abroad”

D. Their witness was vicarious –

“we need not to speak anything”

E. Their witness was visual –

“ensamples” … “turned to God from idols to serve

5. The Future of the Church was Secure. (v. 10)

A. Because of their expectation –

“wait for His Son”

B. Because of the explanation –

“raised from the dead”

C. Because of their emancipation –

“delivered us from wrath”

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