Lord Teach Us To Pray Series
Contributed by Jimmy Giffin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Lord’s teaching on prayer.
Text: Luke 11:1; Matthew 6:9-13
Introduction: Teach us to pray.
Why do you suppose they asked this?
They had seen Jesus pray and the results
They knew they needed to know how.
They were shown the don’ts first.
Don’t seek to be seen of men. v 5
Don’t use vain repetitions. v 7
Then Jesus show them the do’s.
Pray in secret (closet) v 6
Your Father knows what you need. v 8
He wanted them and us to be able to tap
into the most powerful force there is.
The power of Prayer.
I. The address.
A. Our Father
1. Abba used by Jesus in addressing God. Mk 14:36
2. Term of endearment (Daddy)
B. Must have close relationship to call someone Daddy.
C. In Heaven.
1. Narrows it down to which God you are praying to.
2. No other Gods before Him.
II. Hallowed be thy name
A. Acknowledges the Holiness of God.
1. Lev 20:7 Be ye holy, for I am holy
2. Psalms tells of the holiness of God over and over
B. To come to God any other way is denying who God is.
C. The vilest sinner to the sanctified saint must acknowledge this.
III. Your Kingdom come, your will be done.
A. This put the disciples / us in place.
1. People like to be in charge.
2. Power has a tendency to corrupt.
B. It is not Peter’s or John’s or Matthew’s
Or Jim’s or Kelley’s or …..
C. By acknowledgement of His Lordship
1. Then we can say your will not mine. (Gethsemane)
2. When it is His will then it is best.
IV. Give us this day our daily bread.
A. What we need for today.
1. Manna given in the wilderness.
2. Our food for today given daily also.
B. If we had tomorrows strength we would use it today.
C. Or it would be too much and it would be wasted.
V. Forgive us as we forgive others.
A. We ask for forgiveness and get it (I John 1:9)
B. But do we give it. (Matthew 18:23-35)
1. Servant forgiven much $9.25 million
2. Other servant owed about $15
VI. Lead us not into temptation deliver us from evil.
A. Don’t say when you are tempted I am tempted of God
James 1:13
B. We don’t need any help finding temptation.
C. Keep us away from evil. I Thessalonians 5: 23
Conclusion: For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. This closes the prayer with the further acknowledgement of who God is and is an affirmation to us of who He is to us. When you pray not if pray this way. Not necessarily word for word but with the same approach.
We now have this knowledge what will we do with it?