Jesus Is Life And Light Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In 5 sentences, John gives us a wonderful picture of who Jesus is and what He came to do. He came with a message of hope, from the place where hope is eternal, so that we may know His Father and the love that is provided free if we will accept it.
Jesus is Life and Light
John 1:1-5
- Happy Mother’s Day to our mom’s!
-- Today as we begin our study of the book of John, we will see eternal love
-- That same love is what allows you to love your children so unselfishly
-- We give thanks for you, and thanks to the Lord for what He has given us!
- The book of John is a tremendous book focusing on the ministry of Jesus
-- Written at approximately 90AD, it is the last of the four Gospels
- Matthew and Mark were written to target Jewish audiences
-- John however, wrote for the world, detailing 50 years of church history
- The gospel of John screams of the faith that we should have in Christ
-- It is the clearest example of living life FOR the one who redeemed you and I
-- He also knew the Jewish culture, and his writing is evangelistic in purpose
- John contains 7 different miracles are written in the book of John
-- It is intended to be documentary, but also to be convicting in comparison to us
- John uses the word “life” to indicate a new birth in Christ
-- His use of this word indicates something new; a fresh beginning
- The Gospel of John is often given to new Christians to read and learn
-- But why? It is the message of this Gospel that we need to see/learn from
-- What does this gospel teach so strongly that the 65 books may not?
- If we can learn to love like Jesus’, we can bring others to Him
-- We won’t bring a friend to something we do not like
-- We must learn to love Christ like John demonstrates first
-- But before we can love others, we must know Who it is that we must love
- Read John 1:1-5
- Pray
∆ Point 1 – In the Beginning
- What is key in verse 1 is the word choice that John uses
-- Genesis also uses “in the beginning” - signifying the beginning of everything
-- APP: There is nothing before something began; this is that time period
-- But how can time exist? Re: We are talking about the Creator of time!
- The central focus of verse 1 is eternal: “in the beginning”, Jesus always was
-- The doctrine for us to note here is the always existent Christ
-- He always was, and always will be, present with God (v18 repeats this idea)
- John uses the reference that Jesus is the Word (Greek: logos) of God
-- Since John is writing to a Jewish crowd, the word choice is intentional
-- The Jews often referred to God as “the Word” (which signifies authority)
- The Bible of course allows us to have no ambiguity about God’s authority
-- He is either Lord of all creation, or He is not able to assume any authority
-- This clarification is that God always was; and now has become flesh (incarnate)
- Greek word for incarnate is theotes; literally God's "essential (personal) deity”
-- This is only used when referring to God in Christ, which here He is!
- God was revealed to Abraham and his descendants as THE supreme authority
-- Here, that supreme authority is made flesh; with the same eternal qualities
- So, Jesus as described by John as both: eternal and plural (God in two persons)
- Not only that (v2), but He always was; He was with God in the beginning
-- It is critical that we see these are TWO separate entities described by John
-- This means that there is an authority of each, with God being listed first (honor)
- The word “with” is “pros”, which means toward; or face to face
-- Jesus, in the beginning, was literally face to face with the Creator of the universe
-- When we consider all that is written about Jesus, his place is critical
- TRANS: Literally, the deeds of Jesus are also the deeds of the Father
-- They are of the same qualities, but being eternal and forever separate
-- Their authority is unquestionable; as is their relationship to one another
∆ Point 2 – Jesus’s Deity Emphasized
- In contrast to the other gospels, we get a unique insight of Jesus’ role
-- John shows us that Jesus was not only there, but participated in creation
-- His deity already described, we now see it emphasized as well
- Col 1:16, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”
- Heb 1:1-2, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.”