
Summary: No matter how dismal the situation appears, we have the confidence that with the Lord it is a foregone conclusion, that WE WIN!

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As I am writing this message it is already Thursday, and I have been so involved with trying to get an outline together for an outside project, that I have not yet written the Bulletin for this week. This means that those of you who are receiving this by mail are likely reading this after the Sunday message has already been delivered. As I write this, I already have clarity on the content of the message; but time has caught up with me, in terms of the actual writing.

I am intrigued that Cathedral Press chose Psalm 91 as the basis for this week’s cover. I waited so many years to preach “Hiding in the Secret Place,” and then God finally released me to do that, back in October. I almost wanted to go back to it, when I looked at this cover; but God has another message that I believe will be just as much a blessing.

This time I want to take you to Psalm 27. But that will just be our ‘launching pad,’ to an adventure in the Holy Spirit, that will lead us ultimately to what – for us as Saints and Believers – is a FOREGONE CONCLUSION: that in the end WE WIN!

So come along and enjoy what God has in store for us, this day!

“THIS psalm is one of those which have been called “composite” (‘The Psalms,’ by Four Friends, p. 67); and certainly it falls into two parts which offer the strongest possible contrast the one to the other. Part 1. (vers. 1-6) is altogether joyous and jubilant. It records, as has been said, “the triumph of a warrior’s faith.” Part 2. (vers. 7-14) is sad and plaintive. It pleads for mercy and forgiveness (vers. 8-10). It complains of desertion (ver. 10), calumny (ver. 12), and imminent danger (vers. 11, 12), It still, indeed, maintains hope, but the hope has only just been saved from sinking into despair by an effort of faith (ver. 13), and a determination to “wait” and see what the end will be (ver. 14). It is thought to “express the sorrows of a martyr to the religious persecutions at the close of the monarchy” (Four Friends, p. 68). G. Rawlinson, Exposition on Psalm 27, The Pulpit Commentary


Can I just let the Word of God teach, this week?

‘Cause I don’ want us to make the mistake of thinking this is just some cool song that we sing – although I’d have to say that every version of this song I’ve ever heard was pretty cool. Not just a nice poem, or a bunch of pretty words …

Understand two things as you read this lesson:

#1 is that David is a warrior, and – even though there is no clear agreement about when David wrote this particular Psalm – it is very possible that he wrote it at a time when one of his fierce enemies had him in their scope.

#2 is David makes it pretty clear that he ain’t scared – because at the end of it all he already knows, “It’s a foregone conclusion – somebody’s goin’ down today, and it ain’t gonna be me!”

Now, I mention this because somebody’s reading this and in the back of your mind you’re thinking how the enemy’s been beatin’ the snot out of you – and you need to hear that at the end of it all you are going to come out with your head on straight.

I mention this because last night, somebody who doesn’t have the same spiritual confidence as you went through the same thing that you’ve been going through for a while – and when it was all over they snapped! But puddin’ if you can just hold on to just a little bit of what David had …

I don’ mean to preach right off the bat – I want to save a little something for Church; but I just got excited when I read this news. Did you hear what he said?

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

David says he has no fear – but he rightfully makes it clear, at the same time that his fearlessness is not because of anything within himself, but instead because of the Lord.


(Cheat Sheet)


misgab Yahweh The Lord is my defense (Ps. 94:22)


oz machaceh Elohim God is our refuge and strength (Ps. 46:1)

Protection (5643 cether – i.e., as in ‘secret’ [place]) De. 32:38; Ps. 91:1; Isa. 28:15, 17

Deu 32:38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, [and] drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, [and] be your protection.

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Phillip Sims

commented on Oct 24, 2006

I love how the preacher incorporates the venacular. The message is simple and plain. Very uplifting!!!

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