I Wonder What Christ Wants Us To Give Him This Christmas? Series
Contributed by Danny Moss on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon attempts to reveal what the author believes Jesus would want us to give Him for His birthday this Christmas.
"I Wonder What Christ Wants Us To Give
Him This Christmas"
Text-Matthew 2:1-12
By dannymoss777@yahoo.com
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Perhaps many of you enjoyed going to the parade
in our city last night. With all that is assoc-
iated with the Christmas season these days, we
might be inclined to miss the real purpose of
the season. Christmas is Christ! It’s all about
Him-not us. And, since it is His birthday, I was
wondering-"What does Jesus want us to give Him
for His birtday?" I believe that I know some of
the things that He would like for us to give Him
this year. What gifts could we give Him that would
bring Him joy and happiness? Let’s notice some of
these gifts.
I. THE FIRST GIFT I believe we should give Jesus
for His birthday this year is OURSELVES. We really
haven’t given Him anything until we give Him our-
2nd Corinthians 8:5-Paul was speaking of the
churches of Macedonia, about their gift-
"...but they first gave their own selves to the
Lord, and unto us by the will of God."
Have you given yourself to Jesus? You may have
prayed, and attended worship, and given some money
to the church, but have you done the most important
thing? Have you given yourself to Jesus?
You probably have heard the illustration about the
little boy who had no money to give during the
offering time, so he climbed up into the offering
plate, and said-"Jesus, I give you all I have to
give, I give you myself." I’m certain that Jesus
wants us more than He wants anything we have.
II. Secondly, I believe that Jesus wants us to give
Him OUR HEARTS, or in other words, OUR ALLEGIANCE.
Jesus always calls us to commit our lives to Him,
in total allegiance. We are to submit to Him, and
obey Him without reservation.
If our affection for someone or something is greater
than our devotion and love to Him, then we are
"missing the boat." If we love job, family, our
own life, or anything more than Him, we are not
worthy of Him.
His question to Simon Peter by seashore is also a
question He asks us-"Do you love me more than
III. Thirdly, I believe that Christ wants us to
Jesus once told some religious leaders-"If ye be-
lieve not that I am He(the Messiah, the Saviour),
ye shall die in your sins.
We need to lean on Him, draw strenth and nourish-
ment from Him, and take Him at His word.
IV. Fourthly, I believe that JESUS WANTS US TO GIVE
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His right-
eousness, and all these things shall be added
unto you."
If we put Him first in all things, and give Him
glory, He will use us. He will bless us, and
be with us.
We need to offer ourselves to God, a living
sacrifice, vessels of honor, fit for the Master’s
If we don’t live what we profess, then all our
so called "religion" is a sham.
Why? Because it takes money to send out mission-
aries, to feed hungry people, to minister to the
needs of the masses.
Jesus had a great deal to say about Stewardship,
and the use of possessions, and it matters how
we make our money, and how we spend it.
Money is important. And if God blesses us with
more than we need for our own needs, then we
surely need to share some of it with others, and
the cause of Christ.
VI. Sixtly-I believe we should GIVE CHRIST OUR TIME.
Time is a precious commodity. We all are given
the same amount of time each day, but what do we
do with our time? Do we use our time to reach
out to others, and minister to them in the name
of Christ, and with the love of God?
Paul talked about "redeeming the time." We are
to capture as much of our alloted time as we can
for the use of God, and the upbuilding of His
VII. Seventhly, and finally, I want to mention that
You have God-given talents and abilities that He
has blessed you with to help others, and to reach
this world for Jesus.
Will you dedicate your voice to Him to speak and
to sing, if you have that talent?
Will you give him your hands to build, your legs
to run, your eyes to see and your mind to think
for God?
What will you give Christ this Christmas?
I hope that we will give him all the things that I
mentioned in this message today. God bless you.