
Summary: Sermon leads to be satisifed in life, your money, your sex, your work give temporary satisfaction. But the real satisfaction from God.


Satisfaction - Psalm 17:15


God looks for people who will stand in the gap, who will pray for others, who will go for him, who will do His will, who will sacrificially give to the ministry, who will do good to the nations and people and people who are satisfied.


The basic human problem is not satisfied with what they have. In fact, men become mad after the world and its things. When God created man he made them in His own image and in His own likeness with all Godly qualities. The fall of man brought dissatisfaction over everything –dissatisfaction over a spouse, over family, over children, over the job, over the house, over the vehicle, over friends, with food, dress, etc., etc.


Bible says: Lovers of Money never satisfied with money and wealth. (Ecclesiastics 5:10). The satisfaction and dissatisfaction are simplified into three areas of our Lives – Lust of the eyes, Lust of the Flesh, and Pride of the Life. The whole world history is written around these three things. Kings and religious leaders, sports personalities, political giants were fallen into these pits. Some have realized and retrieved but many are gone beyond retribution and rehabilitation.

The gateway for all the lusts is eyes.

So Eyes are very dangerous to make us fall (Matthew 5:29), our eyes are a lamp to the body (Matthew 6:22-23). Eyes never satisfied (Ecclesiastics 2:10-11), by seeing (Ecclesiastics 1:8) – Achan lusted after the dresses (Joshua 7:21), Eve lusted after the food (Genesis 3:6), Israelite said they enjoyed eating Flesh of Egypt (Exodus 16:3, don’t forget that man shall not live by bread alone Deuteronomy 8:3). Bible says that the fool is satisfied with the food (Proverbs 30:21-23).

Samson lusted after the flesh (Judges 14:1,7; Judges 16:1, 20 never realized that the Lord left him), Lot and Ahab lusted after the real estate (Genesis 13:10; 1 Kings 21:1, 2, 9-14).

Absalom and Adonijah lusted after the Post and kingdom (1 Samuel 15:1,10-11; I Kings. 1:5). Eyes are compared to the Seoul and the bottomless pit (Proverbs 27:20).

Job says I made an agreement with my eyes to look to God, look to His words, look to his grace, look to His Church, and look to His Mountains and not on a Girl/woman (Job 31:1). Our eyes must look unto God (Psalm 123:2), look for his grace and mercy, look for his refuge (Psalm 123:1), help (Psalm 121:1), look for his salvation and words (Psalm 119:123).

Sad and Useless: a man who is not satisfied within himself found in Ecclesiastics 4:7-8 – he had no family – no mother, no father, no son, no daughter, no brother he works hard, harder, earns money but never satisfied. Eccl 5:10 Money and wealth never satisfy a man.

The love of money is the root of all evils in life (1 Timothy 6:6-11). Do not love the world and the things in the world (1 John. 2:15-17). Augur made a wonderful prayer not to have enormous wealth and to forget God nor to have poverty and curse God but feed me every day (Proverbs 30:7-9). Being content is godly (1 Timothy 6:6-8).


1. By His face satisfied (Psalm 17:15). If you are awake you will be satisfied (Proverbs 20:13)

2. By His Love or Grace every morning (Psalm 90:14).

3. By His favor (Deuteronomy 33:23 )

4. Satisfies with the fullness of the Church (Psalm 36:7-8). Satisfies the Poor of Jerusalem with food (Psalm 132:15, Jeremiah 31:14). My soul shall be satisfied (Psalm 63:5), Satisfy with the good things of thy house (Psalm 65:4, Psalm 103:5).

5. If you do his purpose, he will satisfy your needs (Isaiah 58:10-11).

6. Eternal Water of life satisfies men (Amos 4:8, John 4:13-14, Psalm 107:9, Isaiah 55:1-2, Proverbs 13:25). Honey from the rock (Psalm 81:16, Jeremiah 50:19).

7. By the honey of the Word, man is satisfied. Eating Bible verses (Psalm 19:7-11, Deuteronomy 8:3). Use the Word of God, eat the Word of God, chew the Word of God.


This short meditation is for small meetings, such as cottage meetings and other prayer meetings God bless you as you use this in your ministry.

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