
Summary: God has never and will never leave us without a message and a mission

Route 66- Taking The High Way: Review 2


God has never and will never leave His people

without a message and a mission

Genesis 1 God created perfection

Message: Don¡¦t eat the forbidden fruit

Mission: Be fruitful, multiply, tend the garden

Genesis 2 Mankind sinned/Human soul stained


Genesis 3 Savior¡¦s sinners vs. Satan¡¦s sinners


Message: Sin has deadly consequences but there is hope

Genesis 6 Noah (God¡¦s picture of redemption)


Message: God provides salvation to those who obey Him

Genesis 12 Abraham (Savior¡¦s sinners live on)


Message: God will call out His own ambassadors

Mission: Trust God

Genesis 25ff Isaac and Ishmael


Jacob and Esau


Genesis 37ff Joseph/Judah/Levi/Ephraim

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Message: Redemption is for real

Mission: Trust God in everything „` „`

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Exodus-Deuteronomy Moses Joshua


Message: God delivers on His promises „`

Mission: Trust God in everything „`

Joshua (Into the Land/2nd Eden)

Message: Do life God¡¦s way and life will be good

Mission: Trust God in everything

Judges (Sin and Salvation)

Message: Sin as deadly consequences but God is merciful

Mission: Obey God

Ruth (The Savior¡¦s sinners live on)

Message: The Savior¡¦s sinners preail

Mission: Trust God in everything

1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 1 Chronicles


David (Psalms) See PSALM 1


Message: The drama of Redemption continues

Mission: Choose the way of wisdom

2 Kings Solomon (Song of Songs, Proverbs,

2 Chronicles „` Ecclesiastes) See PROVERBS 1:7


1 Kings 12 Rehoboam 2 Chronicles 10-11


Message: Pride has devastating consequences

Mission: Obedience

Kingdom splits into North (10 tribes called Israel)

Kingdom splits into South (2 tribes called Judah) See 1 Chronicles 5:23-26; 2 Chronicles 28:16-23

Prophets who preach to the North (Israel) Pre-722 B.C.

Elijah & Elisha (1 Kings 17:1-2 Kings 2:1-9:1)

Amos (40 years prior to exile)

Hosea (30 years prior to exile)

Message: Exile is discipline for sin

Mission: Turn back to God

Obadiah preaches to Edom Jonah preaches to Ninevah

Message: You can¡¦t do salvation yourselves

Mission: Turn to God

Prophets who preach to the South (Judah) Pre- 586 BC

See 2 Chronicles 36:15-21

Joel (250 years prior to exile) Micah (100 years prior to exile)

Isaiah (150 yrs prior to exile) Nahum (80 yrs prior to exile)

Zepheniah (60 yrs prior) Jeremiah (40 yrs prior to exile)

Habakkuk (30 yrs prior to exile) Daniel (20 yrs/into exile)

Ezekiel (7 yrs/into exile)

Message: Exile is discipline for sin

Mission: Turn back to God

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Stories: the Savior¡¦s people go home)

Message: Drama of the Savior¡¦s sinners/God gets His way

Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Preach to the people at home)

Message: You¡¦re complacent

Mission: T urn to God/Just do life God¡¦s way

Our message for today: John 14:6

Our mission for today: Luke 9:3

Do you understand His message?

Are you doing and fulfilling His mission?

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