
Summary: We all have our favourite author, favourite book, favourite food, favourite hobby and favourite place. Do you know that there is an all-time favorite scripture verse in the Bible that is John gospel chapter three verses sixteen which says. “For God so l

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Good Friday was originally God’s Friday

Good Friday is the most solemn day in the Christian calendar, commemorates the crucifixion day to remember what Jesus did for the humanity- when He faced the cup of God’s wrath upon sin on that hideous cross. According to the Bible, Jesus is believed to have died around 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Jesus was crucified for the sake of humanity, which is probably to be dated April 3, A.D. 33.according to the liturgical calendar of the Western church; it is the Friday before Easter. It was termed as the victory of good over evil, victory of righteousness over sin and the victory of life over death and since then, the day has been celebrated as Good Friday. The need of sacrifice for human sins is acknowledged in most of the world's oldest religions. Jesus is the son of God and medium between human and God. He was God's perfect sinless substitute, who bore the punishment on behalf of the sinful human race. Through his sacrifice, Jesus became the bridge between humans and God.

Christians observe this day with great humility and reverence and believe the day is "good" because the message of Good Friday and Easter is of Christ's victory over sin, death, and the devil; as the Apostle Paul wrote: "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us." It is believed that, in Jesus' death on the Cross, He took once and for all the sins of all mankind upon Himself, in our place. This gift He extends to everyone who will believe in Him. Believing in the Good News of the Gospel is our hope. Jesus, the Son of God, who died for our sins, was raised again for our justification, we who believe being made in right stead with God. As early as the first century, the Church set aside every Friday as a special day of prayer and fasting. It was not until the fourth century, however, that the Church began observing the Friday before Easter as the day associated with the crucifixion of Christ. First called Holy or Great Friday by the Greek Church, the name "Good Friday" was adopted by the Roman Church around the sixth century. Good Friday rituals and traditions are distinct from every other Church observance. They add to Good Friday's significance.

Christians across the world remember Jesus arrest, trial, crucifixion and death at Calvary by offering prayers, fasting and reading out the gospel and seven “sayings” of Jesus from the cross. This day is not considered as a day of celebration rather a day to remember the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross; prayers and sermons are centered on the suffering, pain and humiliation that Jesus underwent for the cause of redemption, forgiveness and the salvation of humanity. Calling the day of the Crucifixion ‘Good’ Friday is a designation that is peculiar to the English language. What a supreme paradox. We now call the day Jesus was crucified, good. It is termed as ‘good’, ‘best’ and the ‘blessed’ because the barrier of sin and death was broken. So perhaps Good Friday was originally God’s Friday. Good Friday is truly so good because its sorrow is a godly sorrow. It is like the sadness of the Corinthians church who wept over the sharp letter from St .Paul, convicted of the sin in their midst. Hearing of their distress, Paul said, "My joy was greater than ever." Why? “For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow.” (2 Corinthians 7:10NLT).

To understand the significance of Jesus’ death on the cross, also known as the atonement, we must study the Biblical truths of God’s character, God’s creation, human sin, and God’s responses to sin and sinners. To do this, we need to briefly examine the truths that are absolutely essential to understanding why Jesus died on the cross and what his death means for us. The message of Good Friday is that the dictum of "an eye for an eye" cannot work. The way to conquer evil is through good. Similarly, violence can be overcome only by non-violence and hatred by divine love. So let us reflect on the question Why Jesus died on the cross? It’s not unusual to hear these questions, and I am often confronted to answer such questions by Believers and non-Believers alike. How does Jesus’ death “save us from our sins?”

What’s So Good About Good Friday?

We all have our favourite author, favourite book, favourite food, favourite hobby and favourite place. Do you know that there is an all-time favorite scripture verse in the Bible that is John gospel chapter three verses sixteen which says.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”

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