
Summary: Introduction: This is an introductory message to a series of studies on the gifts of the Spirit. Even though the Lord gives each of his children one or more gifts, there are some basic facts that relate to all of them. Keep these in mind as we consider t

Gifts of the Spirit

Text: "To each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common

good" (1 Cor. 12:7 NIV).

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-7


This is an introductory message to a series of studies on the gifts of the Spirit. Even though the Lord gives each of his children one or more gifts, there are some basic facts that relate to all of them. Keep these in mind as we consider the Spirit’s gifts.

I.AII gifts are to honor Jesus (I Cor. 12:3).

A. Jesus is at the very center of all Christendom. "In him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). All that Christians have and all that they do are to honor Jesus.

B. Jesus is the central message of the New Testament. All the messages and promises in the New Testament point either directly or indirectly to him.

C. Jesus is to be honored by all the gifts. The only purpose of the gifts is to honor Jesus. Any gift that does not honor him is not of the Spirit. If a gift of the Spirit is not used to honor God, the person using the gift sins against God.

Il. AII gifts are to build up the church (I Cor. 12:7).

A. The church is the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:7, 12-13). For the body to be strong and to function as it should, it needs to be built up. The gifts of the Spirit are for this purpose.

B. The church is a divinely established institution (Matt. 16:18). The Lord placed the church on his earth for the propagation of the gospel. The gifts of the Spirit enable the church to accomplish their mission.

III. AII gifts are for a common cause.

A. Each gift is to supplement and complement all the others. No gift of the Spirit works independently of the others. Instead, each gift is to function in relation to all the others.

B. Each Christian is to use his or her gifts to supplement and complement other Christians gifts. This cooperation is what enables the Lord’s work to progress. He endows some of his children with one ability and others with another gift; they are to use these gifts together for the Lord’s work. The church is to work somewhat like a football team, for example. On a football team, some members are assigned to block and some to run with the ball. It takes both to be a successful team.

IV. AII gifts are important.

A. This is a fact that each Christian needs to thoroughly fix in his or her mind. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the gifts of a sovereign God. Anything that anyone does for the Lord is important. Each person is to take inventory of his or her abilities, thank God for them, and use them according to God’s plan.

B. This is a fact that will make the world take notice. The gifts of the Spirit make each individual important. No one is ignored, and no one is more important than another in God’s sight. When others see the personal interest God takes in each person, they will be attracted to God.

V. All gifts are according to the Bible.

A. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16). There is no way the Spirit could inspire the writing of the Bible and then contradict himself in bestowing gifts.

B. The Bible is the recorded revelation of God. The Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures to inspire and inform. He also gives the human mind the ability to understand the revelation found in the Bible.


As a Christian, you have one or more gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is your Privilege to discover them and use them for God’s glory.

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