Exodus, Part 1 Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 10, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: If God was faithful to 70 people to make them into a mighty nation, wouldn't He be faithful to take care of us as well? Can't He handle our needs today? The answer is YES! What do you need? We must cry out to Him!
Exodus, Part 1
Exodus 1:1-7
- Exodus is an incredible study of God's faithfulness to man
-- It is also a great encouragement to see man's ability to be faithful to God
- The series title is "Redeemed to Worship"
-- From this day forward, it is my prayer that title would stick to you
-- We, in 2018, have been redeemed for one purpose: to worship
- God's has given us an incredible Redeemer to celebrate, Jesus
-- In this study, we will see the promises of God that we can stand on
-- We will see God's glory as He is pleased by His creation
- However, we will also see God's anger/frustration at His creation
-- Re: He is a just and righteous God … His ways are Holy and complete
- Written by Moses - great lawgiver/deliverer of Israel
" Faithful servant, with his own issues (we'll see them clearly)
- Probably composed between 1446 and 1406 BC
" Moses was 120 at his death
" Spent 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in Midian, 40 years leading Israel desert
" Moses knew Israel's history; understood importance from upbringing
o He was educated, knew the history, and knew it's value
" FYI: Probably wrote Genesis near the same time as Exodus
" IMP: God is the real author here; Moses is secondary to that fact
- Exodus is written first to Israel … and then to all of us
" Written to give us an example/warning of how not to live
" Written to teach us through scripture we should have a great hope
- Exodus has 3 very specific purposes for us to absorb
1. Historical:
a. To teach Israel its God-given purpose (chosen as His people)
b. To teach Israel there is only one God
c. To teach Israel that God's promised seed would be through them
2. Doctrinal:
a. To teach great promise of God
b. To teach wonderful nature of God
c. Teach salvation is based on the blood of the lamb
d. Also (IMP), to show us the depravity of man
e. Show us the need for a mediator between us and God
3. Christ-centered Purpose
a. That Moses shows Israel their need for a Savior
b. That the Passover Lamb represents Christ
c. That mankind can NOT obey God's Law (need advocate)
d. Man can only enter God's royal tent (tabernacle) by His instruction
So, let's dive into this incredible book
Read Exodus 1:1-7 / Pray
Point 1 - The Deliverance of Israel
- The greatest theme of Exodus is the word: deliverance
-- Exodus is God's promise being fulfilled to His People … what was promise?
-- To make them a great nation!
- God delivered Israel in the past; He will deliver them in the future
-- FACT: God always saves His people … it is who He is
-- No matter what you are dealing with - His promise is to save you as well
" Sickness
" Depression
" Suffering
" Loneliness
" Broken heart
" Unemployment
- APP: Even if you feel hopeless; God will deliver and save you
- So, why was Israel sent on this path in Exodus?
1. There was moral decay in the family
" They were living immoral, violent, and lawless lives
" Gen 34, 37, and 38 are testimonies of this
- Because of that …
2. The family was being immersed in the worldliness of their environment
" They were falling into the lifestyle of what was around them
" Surrounded by Canaanites, the 70-member family was falling into their ways
" Canaanites were ungodly people, without morals and obedience to God
" Danger: Jacob and his sons were about to be lost to this world
- God moved to protect what was His
-- Re: He had made a promise to Abraham, He was going to see it through
- Therefore, God made three specific things happen:
1. God took one the sons of Jacob and set him up as Egypt's ruler (Joseph)
a. 2nd only to Pharoah
b. Able to make decisions for citizens
2. God used a famine to drive the family away from the Canaanites
3. God placed them around a people who hated who they were
a. Because of this, intermarriage and intermingling would be curbed
b. His people would keep their identity (set apart for God)
c. They'd be isolated and forced to keep godly ways intact
- In v2-5, we see that every member of Jacob's family moved; 70 persons (v5)
-- They were obedient to God because their love of God was more important
-- APP: Knew life would be tough … but to not obey God would be worse
- TRANS: God delivered His people to Egypt intentionally