1. Down Is Up Series
Contributed by E. True Neilson on Nov 28, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Watch the message video on YouTube at UCSZ0yPUBE_3382Mlb5fE8og
Check out the book called "The Upside Down Kingdom by Donald Kraybill
-In 1968 a school teacher named Jane Elliot gained national attention when she conducted an experiment on her third grade class.
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had just been assassinated and the whole nation was embroiled in the civil rights movement.
-The experiment took place in the tiny town of Riceville, Iowa and came to be known as the “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” experiment.
-I put the link in your message notes if you want to read about it.
-The students were asking her about Dr. King and why he was assassinated and so she asked if they’d like to try an experiment.
-The teacher explained to the class that day that new scientific evidence showed people with brown eyes were smarter than people with blue or green eyes.
-Even though the kids knew it was a role-playing exercise they quickly started segregating themselves by eye color.
-The brown eyed kids began mistreating the blue/green eyed kids.
-Segregation occurred. Elitism reared up.
-Brown eyed kids suddenly gained confidence they hadn’t previously had.
-The previous class leaders with blue/green eyes, starting disengaging and withdrawing when told they were inferior.
-The brown-eyed kids with power started acting the part and the kids with blue/green eyes started acting defeated/deflated.
-That was Friday, on Monday they switched places.
-Thirteen years later after that experiment in Riceville, Iowa I was in 2nd grade when my teacher Mrs. Shipman tried the same experiment on us.
-I remember kids crying.
-I remember kids protesting.
-I remember feeling angry that someone treated my blue eyed friend like they were something less.
-And I remember the shame I felt when she switched it around and I was the second class citizen.
-It made a powerful impression on me as a second grader.
-There is a narrative some people are pushing in our society that all people are either oppressed or they’re oppressors. I reject that.
-It’s too simplistic, politically charged, and it’s not true.
-But I think something we could all agree on, is that there have always been oppressors and always been the oppressed.
-It’s true today, it’s true in the past, and it’s going to keep happening in all places where human beings live.
-What might surprise you is that Jesus spoke about these things.
-But perhaps even more surprising is that he didn’t address these issues the way that people might have expected.
-I am really excited to be starting this series today.
-Cody and I have been talking about this for months and we assembled a small group to help study this topic.
-There’s a classic Christian book called the Upside Down Kingdom which is our series title.
-And the author, Donald Kraybill, took all these teachings of Jesus and observed something extremely interesting about Jesus and his Kingdom.
-That Jesus takes all the things the world values, cares about and pursues and turns them completely upside down.
-You know what I mean right?
-Jesus said things that no one else had ever said: Upside Down things
*Love your enemies.
*Pray for people who persecute you.
*Go the extra mile for people who don’t deserve it.
*Do your good deeds in private.
*Giving, not getting, is the secret to happiness.
*The greatest people are the least.
*And the least are the greatest.
*It’s not the outward that’s important but the inward.
-Jesus was always saying the opposite of what everyone says said.
-He was always doing what people didn’t expect him to.
-And he was exactly opposite of what people expected.
-And this is so critically important for us to understand.
-Today we’re going to look at a few key passages that highlight the Upside Down ministry and message of Jesus Christ.
-First, let’s look at Luke chapter 1.
-Mary was a young woman chosen by God for a special role.
-She would be the one to give birth to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
-And she also wasn’t what anyone would have expected.
-Mary, wasn’t the wife of a king. She wasn’t from a royal line.
-She wasn’t rich. Wasn’t educated. She wasn’t famous.
-In short, Mary wasn’t what anyone would have expected.
-But God has this way of doing things Upside Down and opposite from what the rest of us think and do.
-Mary was the woman chosen to give birth to the Messiah; for reasons known only to God.
-And in the moment when it really sunk in, she sang this little song of praise that some people call the “Magnificat”.
-And I want you to listen carefully to what was said about the arrival of our Savior Jesus Christ. Here’s what she said:
Luke 1:46-53 “Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. 47 How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!