Do You Believe This? Series
Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Do you believe this?” It is a personal question, which initiates person struggle and calls for a personal response.
Do you believe this?”
John 11:17-27
Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Do you believe this?”
It’s a personal question
1 Corinthians 15:52
Philippians 3:21
It initiates a personal struggle
People have and will die for something they believe strongly. But no one will willingly die for what they know is a lie.
It calls for a personal response.
*Video pt 1 Need to see to craft segue
Turn with me to John 11:17-27. This morning we begin a series based on some of the questions that Jesus asked while He was on earth; questions about life, death, faith, values, and purpose. Make no mistake: when the Son of God asks you a question—it demands a response!
Have you ever noticed how powerful questions are? Sometimes just asking a question makes a statement. E.G. Doctor’s office: “Sir, do you have a will and are your affairs in order?” Sometimes there are questions we want to dodge answering, like--Wife: “Does this dress make me look fat?” Husband: “Does my hair look ok?” (pic of an awful comb-over)
Questions generally carry great impact. The 2nd most important question I asked someone was asking Sue to marry. What you need to know is that I am a hopeless romantic. So it may seem odd to you how I phrased the proposal…broken up, my house on a Sunday night, “Why don’t we fix a couple of baked potatoes and get married?”
The most important question I ever asked was of Jesus when I told Him I surrendered my life to Him and asked Him to take me in as His child. Questions usually have a dramatic impact, depending on the response.
And this morning we dig into what may be the most critical question Jesus asked and still asks today. It’s found in John 11:17-27 (on screen)
The question Jesus asks us: “Do you believe I am the resurrection and the life?”
Let’s talk a minute by what Jesus is claiming when He says He is the resurrection and the life.
Most folks know that Jesus had 12 disciples that followed him around everywhere for those 3 years of his earthly ministry. But not everyone knows that he also had some other followers that were very close to Him and traveled often with Him. And there were some who opened their doors to Him whenever He came through town. Such was the case with 2 sisters and a brother who lived just outside of Jerusalem. The sisters were Mary and Martha, and their brother was Lazarus.
Lazarus became gravely ill and died. By the time Jesus got there, Lazarus had been dead 4 days. Everybody was grieving the loss of this young man. If you’ve ever watched middle easterners when someone dies or watch a funeral, you know it’s completely different there than here. There is a lot of wailing and extreme emotions. In fact, Jews sometimes would actually hire professional wailers to do it up right.
So Jesus shows up in the midst of all of this and Martha has this exchange with Him. And Jesus makes this bold claim: “I am the resurrection and the life.” (build) And then He asks the question: “Do you believe this?”
It’s a personal question. Jesus asked, “Do YOU believe this?” It’s very specific. It requires an answer: yes, no, not certain.
How you answer it is important. In fact, there is not a more important question for you to answer personally. You shouldn’t avoid answering this one.
Time I tried to avoid answering a question…funny “Do you have candy in your mouth?”
This question you shouldn’t avoid answering. In fact, you can’t avoid it. The question begs an answer: yes, no, not certain.
Now you may have a question before you answer the question:
What did Jesus mean when He said He is the resurrection and the life?” (build) That those who are true believers (i.e., Christ in them and them in Christ) will live forever. To be more exact: we will live forever in the presence of the One who is Life. When a Christ-follower dies, their soul immediately goes to be with God. But the Old and New Testaments speak of a resurrection at the end of time. I’ll get a new body. It’ll be similar to the one I’ve got, but different. We get some indication what it will be like by studying the post resurrection body of Jesus. His resurrected body was similar enough to show the nail holes in His hands and feet. He even ate some fish with His disciples after His resurrection…I think it must have been pecan crusted tilapia! But His body was different because He He was not limited by time and space.
I’ll get a new body. My mom will get a new body, one that cannot be touched by Alzheimers. You’re Christian loved one whose body was decimated by cancer before they died will get a new body. 1 Corinthians 15:52, says at the resurrection of our bodies, “In a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed.” Philippians 3:21 “He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself.”