
Summary: Part 3 of 4 in the teaching series, "SENT" which explores Jesus’ commission to his disciples. This message asks the questions: 1) What is your message? 2) To whom have you been sent?

:: Sent [Landing Graphic]

Through this series we hope to:

o help you understand how your life is becoming part of God’s story

o challenge you to communicate that story to others

:: Matthew 28:18-19 [S2]

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

:: Acts 1:8 [S3]

And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere…

:: Disciple DNA [S4]

Our understanding of Jesus’ commission is that we are to be his disciples while, at the same time raising up new disciples. In fact, he tells us: “teach these new disciples everything that I’ve commanded you.”

• Our DNA is structured around knowing & believing in Jesus

o Peter’s confession – Matthew 16:16 [“You are the Christ”]

o Peter’s statement of faith – John 6:68 [“Where else would we go?]

• Our DNA carries a message that transforms us

o Becoming Christ-like, our nature becoming like Jesus

o Work and fruit of the Holy Spirit [Galations 5:22]

o Technical Christians vs. Natural Christians [education vs. essence]

• Our message is contagious and reproduces in others

o Discipleship is not just about education; it’s about transformation

o Paul’s statement reflects this: “Follow me as I follow Christ” [I Cor. 11:1]

• We can also ask: what is your message? [S5]

o While ultimately the message points to Jesus, it can be delivered in ways that are appropriate to the

identity and gifts that God has given you.

o Message of hope to a family member in despair and depression

o Message of comfort to a neighbor who is experiencing tragedy

o Message of forgiveness to someone in your past who hurt you

o Message of healing // message of joy // message of peace

o What is your message?

• We have asked the question: to whom are you SENT? [S6]

o Family // Friends // Peers // Etc.

o You have a unique position to bring the Gospel of Christ to:__________

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