
Summary: Based on the poem, Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson, this series follows the footprints of Jesus from the Upper Room to His Resurrection.

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Scripture References

(Jn 13:1-17, Mtt 26:26-30, Mk 14:22-26, Lk 22:14-20)

Series Introduction

Mary Stevenson, in 1936, wrote a poem …

Footprints in the Sand (read)

We want to follow the footprints of Jesus in the days leading up to his crucifixion, death, resurrection.

Jesus was on a journey to Jerusalem and the cross.

As he journeyed- left footprints in-in the sands of time

Footprints man cannot escape, no matter how he tries.

Footprints that tell us a lot about the life He lived.

What type of prints- we leaving behind-sands of time?

foot prints, face prints, or butt prints?

As we walk in the direction God has for us, we leave clear footprints for others to see and even follow.

There are times we will stumble/fall- leave our face print in the sand, but Jesus is ready to pick us up.

At other times, as we struggle against the purposes of God, we leave butt prints as He drags us along.

What type of prints are you leaving behind?

Butt prints in the Sand (read)

Begin journey-Jesus takes disciples into Upper Room.

Our Journey Begins

Jn 13:1

Here we see a picture of Jesus’ love for mankind.

His coming from the beginning was an act of love …

Jn 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. NASU

In- Upper Room- Jesus demonstrates His love for the disciples and reveals to them new truths.

If we take time to pursue Jesus into the Upper Room, we will know His love and He will speak to us.

Jn 13:2

As Judas did then, we have a very real spiritual enemy today that can still influence the human heart.

Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. NASU

Jesus clearly came and defeated the enemy …

Rom 8:37 … we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

However, consider this story …

Mtt 12:43-45

Enemy can come- when we allow a void in our lives.

Protect ourselves- by filling- hearts w/God’s Word.

Jn 13:3-4

Jesus had every right to be concerned w/His problems.

Instead, He was focused on the needs of others.

The more we focus on our problems- the more they will consume us and make us ineffective for God.

Wet Feet

Jn 13:5

Roads- dirt- men wore open sandals w/no socks.

Washing the feet of a guest was the duty of a servant.

In Lk 7:36-39- another dinner Jesus attended at the house of a Pharisee- a woman enters the room.

She is known as a sinner- in a display of her love for what Jesus had done for her- anoints His feet

w/costly perfume- washes- feet w/her tears/hair.

In- Upper Room we find the same Jesus- who is God, taking the form of a servant, washing- feet of men.

Jn 13:6-11

Why did Jesus wash the disciples feet?

1. To demonstrate His love

As- woman in Lk 7- demonstrated her love for Jesus by anointing His feet- Jesus washes- disciples feet.

Over and over in the Bible, as Jesus saw the needs of people, it says He had compassion for them.

Out of that compassion he healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, comforted people.

2. To demonstrate humility

Phil 2:5-13

He who would be first, would first be last.

3. To set before them an example

Jesus asked the disciples a question that rings down through history to our own day.

Jn 13:12-17

Jesus is saying … you say you are a Christian,

that I am your Lord,

you sing songs about me,

you take communion at my table,


have you examined My life carefully?

are you following my example?

are you serving others, as I came to serve you?

Jesus washed the disciples feet as an example to us that we should be washing one another’s feet.

How do we wash one another’s feet?

The issue is not-act of foot washing, but humility/love

As Christ has loved us, forgiven us, and served us, so we should love, forgive, and serve others.

The more we learn to serve, the more we will find ourselves being used by God.

The facts of the cross/resurrection- very important …

Jesus died on the cross for ours sins,

He was physically raised from the dead,

He ascended into heaven, and

He is returning so we can live w/Him forever.

But these facts alone are not going to convince the world that God is alive and cares for them.

Lk 16: (19) 27-31 (rich man and Lazarus)

The world is looking for a demonstration of love, a love that is not of this world, a supernatural love.

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