
Summary: Drinking of alcohol isn't forbidden but injurious as well as lead to perdition. 1st Corinthians 6:10

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Like Paul stated in 1st Corinthians 13:11 and I quote when I was a child I think and act as a child and when I am grown up I put away childish things and I concord that it is hard time we embrace and preach the truth of God's word irrespective of how we feel or those offended. 1st Peter 2:8

This very sermon is discreet, so with all humility I beg your indulgence as your humble servant to disclose God's mind with regards the danger of alcoholism.

Today this very message has become rare in our so called preaching and theologies because indulgent, pastor inclusively has bewildered the teaching only to justify their wrong deed and carelessly and coercingly lure many to captivity. God warns Jeremiah in the 10 chapter of the 21st verse that pastor has gone brutish. What an irony! Pastor should be shepherd but here God said they have turn to beast, I pray by His mercy He shall restore our feet from every stray path of beastical acts in Jesus name.

Like I earlier stated this is no condemnation or for any self gratification of holiness but edification of the Lord, before been called into ministry, I was a drunkard and I did argue, castigate, accepted as well defended the rhetoric that alcoholic lifestyle can't stop you from going to heaven, however it dawns on me one day, when the word of God came alive by revelation of the Holy Spirit that my ability to defend my weakness is not sufficient reason to justify my wrong habit but the word of God, therefore to everyone of you receiving this sermon it is more of admonitional warnings and not condemnations because by His grace I was deliver and I declare His truth without apology or resentment. And for many argumentative and self ratification, I appeal to you when receiving this word disregard your sense of reasoning as well as the ideology of the norms and invite the Holy Spirit to take the stage of your heart and give you a clearer interpretation.

So let's us describe alcohol, its danger, the controversy and Jesus' conclusion

While praying and preparing this sermon, the Lord who is, was and is to come, our now, then and later said, Cletus start with the end of this creation (wine) before the beginning because it the end that justify the means.

Let us read 1st Corinthians 6:10 and John 14:1-3, God said that drunkards won't inherit His kingdom and in John, He said He goes to prepare that place (Heaven) for us

What is Alcohol? Is a strong drink that is use in medicines which is a substance in liquor capable of intoxication and addiction (Galatians 3:1)

Controversy: The bible though appears controversial but has never been however it is complimentary so in order to avoid deception it takes the Holy Spirit for proper interpretation.. Let read Ephesians 5:18, Ecclesiastes 9:7, 1st Timothy 5:23...

Paul writing to Ephesus was a warning due to their pride because of wealth they possess and he told them instead of using your money on buying wine and getting drunk be filled with the Holy Spirit, but many incomprehensibly quote that Paul was saying you can drink but not in excess, lie from the pit of hell. What Paul did was comparison of the end result of the two things he compare. And in Ecclesiastes 9:7 and 1st Timothy state taking of wine is permitted but not in excess but for a particular purpose, so this lead me to the conclusion of the One who came to delivered man from perdition the Lord Jesus Christ. In John 1:17, the truth is clear that Jesus is the bringer of the truth while Moses the writer of the law. But before we do the conclusion of this message by our Lord Jesus's statement, let us look at the danger of alcoholism

Dangers of Alcoholism. .Proverbs 23:31-35

1. Look not upon wine. Hebrews 12:2..Lesson. .What you behold continuously you turn to behave and become so avoiding the look of wine will save a lot.

2. It bites like serpent. Genesis 3:1&4..Lesson.. Serpent is deceptive and cunning and it sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy ultimately (John 10:10a), so is wine when absorb.

3. Thy eyes shall behold strange woman as well your mouth shall speak perversely. Judges 16, Proverbs 18:21; 17:22

Lesson.. Samson as great he was and destined to end, a harlot Delilah destroy him, so is wine there's no super human or controller of it addiction and destruction because it can as well destroy your word which is vital for purpose fulfilment. Only fools will stay put to alcohol claiming it reduces or take away stress and anxiety. Proverbs 27:22

So to conclude Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-22, I came not to abolished the law but fufil because I am the law itself and in Galatians 3:1, 10-14, Paul elaborate more that grace is greater than the law, because the law identify sin when it has already be done but grace arrest and identify it in the thought life. This is it, a man that goes for drink has an intended purpose which ultimately has outcome, I pray that God will deliver us from every bewitchment of alcoholism in Jesus name.

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