
Summary: Christ is still in the business of healing. We will take a look at how Christ heals

Christ Our Healer


A. Christ Our Healer -- What does that mean

1. Does is mean that He will heal our spiritual bodies?

2. Does it mean that He will heal us only physically

3. Does it mean that salvation provided healing

B. We will be looking at this subject today and try to figure out exactly what it all means

C. Healing has been debated now for over 2000 years

D. Did you know that healing is mentioned around 100 times in the Bible

E. I am going to attempt to give you an overview of healing according to CMA standards and practices

I. Healing in the Atonement

A. Explanation

1. Definition of the atonement: the covering over of sin, the reconciliation between God and man, accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ

2. Healing can be used for the spectacular “signs and wonders” – in countries that have never heard the Gospel.

3. Healing is primarily meant for the believers today

4. Healing is available through the atonement

5. Turn to James 5:14-15

B. Application

1. Healing is available

2. God provided it.

3. All we have to do is accept it

4. Reach out and grab it

5. What a wonderful gift we have been given

6. Notice if you will that the Bible does not speak against doctors

C. Illustration

II. Healing with oil

A. Illustration – When I was growing up what I thought of oil

B. Explanation

1. Anoint Him with oil

2. It is possible it could have been thought as having medicinal uses. It could have been common practice to use oil in treatment of healing

3. More then likely it is symbolic

a. oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit

b. Used to show that the healing is done with the Holy Spirit

C. Application

1. Don’t be afraid of the oil

2. It wont hurt you

3. It is just a symbol

4. There is nothing special about it

5. You could use corn oil if you wanted to

III. Healing in the Church

A. Explanation

1. First of all there is not time limits placed on healing – it can be any time of the day

2. There are also no geographical limitations- it can happen anywhere

3. James gives us a pattern on how to carry healing out

a. Healing is meant for the sick – not just physically sick, and sort of sickness, mental, emotional

b. Sick person Calls the elders

c. Elders pray over Him

d. Anoint with oil

e. “In the name of the Lord” Not Bakerstown Alliance, not CMA, not Dan Borchert

f. In faith – Yes we need to have faith

g. After all is said and done, the sick person will be made well

B. Application

1. Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Doctrine – The evils that is creates

2. God does not choose to heal everyone, it is His sovereign will

C. Illustration – Johnny Tada Erickson – prays for healing all the time however has not received it. Because of her problems look how God has used her. God will ultimately heal everyone, our bodies will be perfected.


A. What about you?

B. Do you need healing?

C. Is there something in your body that is causing you pain

D. Are you emotionally destroyed

E. Is there a mental block in your life that you would like to get rid of?

F. Today is the day

G. The only think you have to do is ask someone to pray for you.

H. God will take care of the rest

I. I invite you right now to receive the gift of healing.

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