
Summary: Study of Hebrews 11:24-26 where Moses leaves an example and truth for us as we press on in a culture that disdains “the reproach of” anything. The truth is that the path to joy is littered with sacrifice. We can embrace this pain and suffering injustice b

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Text: Heb 11:24-26, Title: Choosing Pain Over Pleasure, Date/Place: NRBC, 6.24.12, AM

A. Opening illustration: Judson was united in marriage to Ann Hasseltine February 5, 1812, and was ordained the following day. He had counted the cost of being a missionary. When asking Mr. Hasseltine for the hand of his daughter, he had written: "I have now to ask whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure to a heathen land and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of a missionary life; whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean, to the fatal influence of the southern climate of India, to every kind of want and distress, to degradation, insult, persecution, and perhaps a violent death. Can you consent to all this, for the sake of Him who left His heavenly home and died for her and for you?"

B. Background to passage: this text has the ring of Jesus’ call to to discipleship in Luke 9:23. Moses leaves an example and truth for us as we press on in a culture that disdains “the reproach of” anything. Even the evangelical southern culture promotes comfort and ease in Zion rather than the bloody seas of missions, ministry, and martyrdom.

C. Main thought: the path to joy is littered with sacrifice

A. Disown and Relinquish (v. 24)

1. He renounced all his privileges and inheritance. As a prince of Egypt, he would have been entitled to many excesses in life. He would have been among the most powerful people in the world, the richest people in the world, and the most pampered people in the world. He would have had access to wine, women, and song in their fullest capacities, only to be restrained by God himself. But he had a since of what was truly important. And upon that knowledge, he shamed the entire palace by siding with the slaves, killing an Egyptian, publically renouncing all, and fleeing everything he had ever known. The next verse speaks of the sin that came along with his privileged life.

2. Zaccheus, rich young ruler, disciples “left their nets and followed,” Deny yourself, take up the cross, follow Christ to save your life,

3. Illustration: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” –Jim Elliot, but what of Nate Saint, Roger Youderian, Ed McCulley, Pete Fleming, who all entered the Gates of Splendor together? Justinian von Weltz renounced his title (Baron), estates, and income, and went to Dutch Guinana as a missionary. His body lies there in a lonely grave, forgotten by the world, but not by God. As he forsook all that he had he said, “What is it to me to bear the title of ‘well-born’ when I am born again to Christ? What is it to me to have the title ‘Lord’ when I desire to be a servant to Christ. What is it to me to be called ‘your grace’ when I have need of God’s grace. All these vanities I will away with and all else I will lay at the feet of my dear Lord Jesus.” “So long, self! Well, it's been fun, but I have found somebody else. So long, self! There's just no room for two, so you are gonna have to move. So long, self! Don't take this wrong but you are wrong for me, farewell. Oh well, goodbye, don't cry. So long, self!”

4. The world’s value system is incredibly different from God’s. Comparison as to some things that the world values that God may not hold in such high esteem – fame, earthly riches, position, power, education, family, gadgets and toys, awards and recognitions, talent, etc. And also some things that God values that the world disdains. And many times these issues are not only issues of sin, but good things that just get in the way of the best things. No one would argue that there is not some enjoyment to most sin; that’s its inticement. But also note that it is temporary and offensive to God. You must renounce your right to self-determination, to self lordship (Lord Me as I read this week). What have you turned your nose to this week for a greater treasure in Christ? What have you told yourself “no” about this week? What sacrifice have you made? What comfort or privilege have you lain down? What right have you given up?

B. Embrace and Pursue (v. 25)

1. He chose himself (reflexive), involving affections. This word means to join in with others what they are already suffering and being mistreated. He volunteered to be wronged! He got into the job know that people would do him bad. This is totally counter intuitive, counter cultural, counter human!

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