Can You Do This? Series
Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A study of the book of Job 39: 1- 30
Job 39: 1- 30
Can You Do This?
1 “Do you know the time when the wild mountain goats bear young? Or can you mark when the deer gives birth? 2 Can you number the months that they fulfill? Or do you know the time when they bear young? 3 They bow down, they bring forth their young, they deliver their offspring. 4 Their young ones are healthy, they grow strong with grain; They depart and do not return to them.
In our last study our Lord appeared to Job and the four other men who came to see him. He questioned Job as to His Creation of the Heavens, the planets, stars, and the earth. In today’s chapter we are going to see how this questioning continues. However, the Lord will now bring up to Job the next sequence in His creation this in regards to His Creation of the animals and birds.
Our Lord brings up to Job some questions regarding wild and untamed animals. He first mentions His Creation of wild goats and deer. The Lord highlights the birth.
The wild goat is independent of human use and care. They lived in remote high mountainous areas. Male goats are solitary. The female gestation period averages 170 days or around 5 and ½ months. Does (females) usually give birth to one kid. Kids can follow the mother goat almost immediately after birth. Kids are weaned after 6 months. They live high and away from all other animals. They are unpredictable. It is rare to spot them.
A Christian who is unpredictable, who thinks he is above it all, who independently does his own thing, has trouble functioning in a group, who does not want to be led exhibits the characteristics of a wild goat.
Deer gestation is about 7 months The fawns suckle for only a short time and then they start feeding for themselves in the corn-fields, and are no more burdensome to the doe’s. The buck does not stay to help raise the fawns—the doe raises them alone. If you are a hunter you know that deer are edgy that are easily spooked. Deer make their homes all over. Our Holy God has given them the ability to blend in with their surroundings as He gives them camouflage in their coats of skin.
Sadly, unlike the deer, in today’s society the young of humans stay latched onto their parents and never leave home. Many go off to college and since there is a lousy economy they come back to their parent’s home and many stop seeking a future livelihood.
Our Lord instructed us to go into all the world and make disciples in all nations and baptize them in the name of the Holy Spirit. In truth, we are failing to obey Him. We like the deer try to blend in with society and not make any waves. So, we do not stand out to be hunted. Unlike the deer we do not have camouflage to hide our faith.
5 “Who set the wild donkey free? Who loosed the bonds of the wild donkey, 6 whose home I have made the wilderness, and the barren land his dwelling? 7 He scorns the tumult of the city; He does not heed the shouts of the driver. 8 The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searches after every green thing.
The wild donkey is a creature we frequently read of in Scripture. Some commentators say that this animal is untamable. Man is said to be born as the wild donkey's colt, which is hard to be governed. It is not surprising that our Holy Creator includes this animal in His questions to Job
One thing that humans have in common to the wild donkey is the desire for an unbounded liberty He has given a disposition to it, and therefore a dispensation for it. The tame donkey is bound to labor while the wild donkey has no bonds on him. Freedom from service, and liberty to range at pleasure, are but the privileges of a wild donkey. It is a pity that any of the children of men should covet such a liberty, or value themselves on it. It is better to labor and be good for something than ramble and be good for nothing.
I love the singing group ‘The Temptations’. One of the famous songs is Papa Was a Rolling Stone. The lyrics they listed explain exactly a person who likes the same type of independence the animal our Lord describes here;
Papa was a rollin' stone.
Wherever he laid his head was his home.
And when he died, all he left us was alone."
A wild donkey has no enclosed place to lodge. The tame donkey, that labors, and is serviceable to man, has his master's crib to go to both for shelter and food but the wild donkey, that wants his liberty to go and dwell wherever he desires, winds up living in a barren land.