
Summary: This is a sermon primarily about how the Bible transforms people. For brain candy, we’ve included delightful facts on the Bible’s uniqueness.

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[This sermon is contributed by Hal Seed of New Song Church in Oceanside, California and of Hal is the author of numerous books including The God Questions and The Bible Questions. If you are interested in The Bible Questions Church-wide Campaign, please visit and watch Hal’s video at]

"Can the Bible Make Me Better?

The Bible Questions, Part 3

2 Kings 22-23; Romans 12:2

We are learning these days about the most important book ever written. Last week we learned that it’s a book like no other book. No other book was written like this one, preserved like this one. No other book has been more greatly loved, or anticipated, or resisted than this one.

During these next four weeks together, we are going to learn things from and about the most important book in history. Our learning will come from several angles. During church, I’ll talk about facts and passages that hopefully will make this book come alive to you, and make you want to read it for yourself.

During the week, we’ll be reading Monday through Friday from The Bible Questions book. If you missed last week, you are just five short chapters behind. Set aside an hour today and you can catch up with us!

Along with sermons and readings, we are all investing in a small group some time during the week. From my experience, small groups are the center of lifechange. What I learn from a sermon or reading is good, but it’s even better when I get a chance to share what I’m learning with others. And what the pastor says, or the author says may be right on, but those guys are professionals, they’re paid to be good. In your small group, you’ll hear insights from people who are good for nothing (smile). I think you’ll find their insights more inspiring than anything I say on Sundays or most of what you read in The Bible Questions.

So, if you’re just joining us, or haven’t gotten into a small group yet, I hope you’ll jump in today by signing up for a group (you can do that in the lobby after the service), and grabbing a copy of the book and entering into one of the most life changing adventures you’ll ever experience.

With all of that, are you ready to do some learning today? [Ready]

Here are a couple more uniquenesses of the Bible:

It was the first major book to be translated into a foreign language.

• In 250 B.C. the Old Testament of the Bible was translated from Hebrew to Greek. The translation is called the Septuagint, and is still available today.

It was also the first book to be printed on a printing press.

• In 1440, Johann Gutenberg, a diamond polisher, invented the printing press. By 1455 he and his colleagues had produced “The Gutenberg Bible”.

It was the first book to be telegraphed.

• On May 24, 1844, Samuel Morse coded Numbers 23:23, “What hath God wrought!” (KJV) from the chamber of the U.S. Supreme Court to Albert Vail at the B & O Railroad depot in Baltimore, Maryland.

It was the first book on the moon.

• On July 20, 1969, before exiting the Eagle lunar space module, Buzz Aldrin pulled out a Bible, a silver chalice and sacramental bread and wine. He read the Bible before putting a foot on the moon.

This week I want to talk to you about one more intriguing thing about the Bible: how it can make you a better person.

Turn to your neighbor and say, “The Bible can make you better!”

If the person is your husband or wife, say, “Actually, nothing can make you better.”

Then say, “But the Bible can make ME better!”

Thomas Jefferson said “I have always said… that the studious perusal of the sacred volume will make better homes, better citizens, better fathers and better husbands.” – Thomas Jefferson

Was Jefferson right? Can the Bible really make me a better person? And if so, how does it do that?

Let me give you seven ways today, and then talk to you about how this happens on a practical level.

A. How the Bible Makes Me Better:

One way the Bible makes me a better person is…

1. It inspires me.

When I read the story of David killing his giant enemy with nothing but five stones and a sling, I start to think that maybe I can conquer the giants in my life too.

When I read about Daniel rising to become Prime Minister of a large foreign country, I think maybe I can do a little more and go a little farther too.

I read about Moses’ delivering 2 million people from slavery, Esther preventing the genocide of her people, Elijah calling out the prophets of Baal, Ruth’s unswerving loyalty to her mother-in-law, Stephen standing up to the Sanhedrin, Paul facing beatings and imprisonment and Jesus going to the Cross on behalf of the sin of the world… and I’m inspired. My dreams get bigger, my determination gets stronger, and my adrenaline flows like Rocky every time he yells, “Yo Adrian!”

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