Biography - Anti Christ And The New World (Part 3) Series
Contributed by Dana Visneskie on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 3rd message in my prophecy series which looks at the riegn of the Anti Christ and what the Bible says he will be like. He will establish 3 things on earth, I show what they are and also talk about how close the world is to his appearing.
Title: Biography - Anti Christ And The New World Order - Part 3
Text: Rev 6
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- Tonight is biography night, where we explain the life and reign of the Anti Christ and the New World Order that is yet to come.
- The Bible gives us many great insights into the future.
- Previously we talked about the Rapture of the Church and how close we are to this event. - The rapture is the evacuation of believers before the Judgement of the tribulation hour.
- Part 2 was about the Judgement Seat of Christ, were believers have to give an account of their faithfulness or unfaithfulness to God while here on earth.
- There motives for service will be revealed by fire and they will come out as precious stones, or hay wood and straw. (I Cor 3:9)
- While believers are in Heaven, preserved from the tribulation, what are the events that are going to take place on earth, and what’s it going to look like?
- What’s the purpose of the tribulation?
- What are people going to go through, what will our loved ones who were left behind experience?
- What will the world look like after the rapture? Who will stabilize the world?
- These and many other questions we will answer as we examine the Anti Christ and coming judgements from God.
- Lets answer one question first before we look at Rev 6. What’s the purpose for all this sorrow?
- Scripture declares everything that God does has one or more purposes, and that’s true about the Tribulation.
- Many pastors and scholars have found in the Bible purposes for the tribulation.
- They are according to Dan 9:24:
A. To Put An End To Transgression
B. To Put And End To Sin
C. To Anoint The Most High
D. To make reconciliation for iniquity
E. To bring everlasting righteousness
F. To seal up vision and prophecy (Dan 9:24)
- God is in the business of saving souls, but He must judge sin.
- God through this judgement longs for people to turn from there life of sin and run into the arms of a loving God.
- But as we will see, many people will curse God and not repent.
- Some through this time will get saved and receive Christ.
- But many who receive Christ will be killed for there faith.
- Lets take a closer look into the Bible and see what will happen in the world to come.
- Rev 6 and Dan 9:27 are key verses
- The first part of the tribulation period begins with the opening of the 7 seals.
Seal 1: The Rider On The White Horse
- The first seal depicts a rider, riding on a white horse holding a bow and wearing a victor’s crown.
- The rider is going forth to conquer, but to do it peaceably.
- The conqueror mentioned here is the future world ruler, otherwise known as the Anti Christ. He is the same ruler recorded by Daniel in 9:27
- This ruler will come in peaceably and will establish a world government without the help of warfare.
- The future world government begins with a time of peace but is soon followed by destruction.
- The Anti Christ will come from the federated states of Europe, the revived Roman Empire.
- What is the revived Roman Empire?
- To keep it simple, it’s the European Union established back in 1947.
- The ten toes of Dan 2:41-42, 44 and the ten horns Dan 7:7, 20, 24 and Rev 12:3; 13:1; 17:3,7,12,16.
- God has been unsealing the mysteries of the book of Daniel as fulfilment in prophecy.
- How did the European Union form? It started in 1947 when Benelux came into power: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg - the first three horns of the fourth beast, and the first 3 nations of the European Union.
- In 1957, France, Italy and Germany joined the confederation, making it six.
- In 1973, Britain, Ireland, and Denmark for a total of nine.
- Jan 1 1981, Greece joined making it ten
- However Dan 7:8, 20 and 24 record that the federation will grow to 13.
- This has already taken place.
- 1986 Spain and Portugal joined making it 12
- 1996 Austria joined making it 13.
- This eventually becomes a world empire called the New World Order.
- Out of this the Anti-Christ comes to lead this New World Order.
- He will have a 3 point plan for world domination.
- He will establish a one world currency, a one world religion, and one world government now being called the New World Order.
- The Anti Christ’s economy will be a cash less society in which every financial transaction can be electronically monitored. (Rev 13:16-17)