
Summary: Sermon outline used to speak to men aobut what real manhood is. It begins first with a proper response to God. Responsility has at its root response. Adam responded with disobedience to God and because of that passivity Adams offspring are born dead to

Intro: When do we become men? What is the standard how is it measured? 1 Corinthians 11.7 A man is the glory and image of God. If we are the image and glory of God what does that men to us as men? (Other cultures rites of manhood) We are men when we deal with sin God’s way!

I. Our response to God (Genesis 3, King Saul vs King David)

A) Responsibility rejected – Genesis 3.12 (sin is rejection of a proper response to God)

Have dominion – God’s invitation to men to be responsible Gen 1.26

Message says let’s make man in our nature so they can be responsible for the fish, birds and cattle.

Then he told them prosper, reproduce, fill earth, take charge!!

B) Image abandoned – Genesis 1.26

Adam not only abandoned His responsibility he ran from being God’s image bearer.

C) Ruin is the result -- Genesis 3:17- “Because you listened to your wife’s voice.” (What do you listen to instead of God’s voice?)

The first responsibility of a Man is to hear God’s voice and respond in obedience!

1) Relationships are a struggle – Gen 3.16

I just don’t get women! Because we are both broken!

2) Ground is cursed – no joy or fulfillment in work

II. Our response to others (Matthew 23 great commandment)

Why is shaking up, lying, cheating, manipulating, divorce, and other forms of breaking relationships acceptable in our culture today? Because we are not accepting our responsibility toward others. God told us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

III. Our surrender to God’s standards

Again how do we know when we are men? What age should that begin? (Jesus said at 11 I should be about my fathers business)

Speak about results of survey.

1) We know we are a man when we are concerned about our response to God first (Matt 23.36-40)

2) We know we are a man when it affects all our other relationships

3) We know we are a man when we are reflecting the character of God. (1 Corinthians 5.17)

(You can have a right of manhood today. Confess your sins to God, allow Him to adopt you as a son, and accept your manly responsibility)

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