
Summary: We should not only know what we believe but how to behave.

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(4th of a Series in the Book of James – A Life That Make a Difference Series)

Text: James 1:19-21

“19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to angry, 20 for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”


There is so much now in our world of inaccuracy and this inaccuracy comes from not being submissive to God and His Word, and as Christians we need to be aware why this things happen and how do we manifest an accurate life? James in chapter 1 verses 19-21 was talking to the brethren, not to the unbeliever. And he is giving them an important thing to take note, to ponder about the way their ways and walk. From this verse we can also see that God desires a righteous life from us. And what do we need to do to show it in this very inaccurate world? Gusto ko ang pagkakagamit sa Magandang Balita Bibliya sa unang bahagi ng mga talatang ito, “matuto kayong…” it means that we need to intentionally do it, learn it in God’s way. For our nature is not this. We have a “snake” anointing nature, that we at once do things without first of understanding everything. An accurate life should manifest in our:

1.) WAYS – “Everyone should…”

a. Our ways of thinking – “Quick (ready, all ear, wide) to listen…” It refers to our way of listening to God’s word, which sometimes like what happen to Jonah that he is quick to speak rather than quick to listen to what the Lord is saying. It is our duty rather to hear God’s word, and apply our minds to understand it, than to speak according to our own fancies or the opinions of men, and to run into heat and passion thereupon Understanding everything, hearing everything from God. Not just hearing it from another, or just knowing it without real facts. Our mind is the door to our action. Our way of thinking affects our way of action. Our ways of thinking determine our actions.

b. Our ways of talking – “Slow to speak…” That is, primarily, to hear God; to listen to the instructions of that truth by which we have been begotten, and brought into so near relation to him. Instead of censuring (criticize, show disapproval) God under our trials, let us open our ears and hearts to hear what he will say to us. At the same time, though this is the primary sense of the phrase here, it may be regarded as inculcating the general doctrine that we are to be more ready to hear than to speak; or that we are to be disposed to learn always, and from any source. Our appropriate condition is rather that of learners than instructors; and the attitude of mind which we should cultivate is that of a readiness to receive information from any quarter. (ILL. “Men have two ears, and but one tongue, that they should hear more than they speak.” “The ears are always open, ever ready to receive instruction; but the tongue is surrounded with a double row of teeth, to hedge it in, and to keep it within proper bounds.”) “Talk little and work much.” Proverbs 10:19, “The more you talk, the more likely you are to sin. If you are wise, you will keep quiet.” (GNB) Proverbs13:3, “He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life.” Proverbs 15:2, “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright, but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.”

c. Our ways of doing – “Slow to anger...” Neither murmuring at God, nor angry at his neighbor. That is, we are to govern and restrain our temper; we are not to give indulgence to excited and angry passions. Proverbs16:32, “He that is slow to anger is greater than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” The particular point here is, however, not that we should be slow to wrath as a general habit of mind, which is indeed most true, but in reference particularly to the reception of the truth. We should lay aside all anger and wrath, and should come to the investigation of truth with a calm mind, and an in perturbed (troubled, disturbed) spirit. A state of wrath or anger is always unfavorable to the investigation of truth. Such an investigation demands a calm spirit, and he whose mind is excited and enraged is not in a condition to see the value of truth, or to weigh the evidence for it. Solomon says, “The words of the wise are heard in quiet, more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.” Ecc. 9:17. Dr. Manton here says of some assemblies, “That if we were as swift to hear as we are ready to speak there would be less of wrath, and more of profit, in our meetings.” 1Peter 2:1.

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