
Summary: In the series of skipped books of the Bible (Lev, Num, Deut) this sermon tackles the laws that are absolute. Obeyed yesterday, obey TODAY!

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The Skipped Over Books of the Bible

Dad used to skip over many of the books, from the 10 commands to Joshua

There are many gems in the desert we will explore

There are many laws laid down in confusion we will sort out

Purpose of giving the laws AFTER salvation from slavery

- To stay within God’s circle of protection

- To stay in a relationship with our Loving One

o Give us a opportunity to show our love


- Absolute laws

- Holiness laws

- Civil laws

- Health and Wellness laws

The Absolute Laws (Obey then, obey NOW)

“You shall not murder” Exodus 20, Duet 5

“Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.” Leviticus 19

“Anyone who curses father or mother must be put to death” Exodus 21

How do you tell if it applies today?

Complicate even MORE

- Deuteronomy 5:1 choq = Decree/Statutes

mishpat = Laws

- 5:3 bayriyth = Covenants (agreements, contract)

- 5:5 tsavah = Command (word, words or the telling)

- 5:10 mitsvah = Command (wisdom code)

- 5:16 tsavah = Command (word)

- 5:22 tsavah = Command (word)

- 5:27 tsavah = Command (word)

- 5:29 mitsvah = Command (wisdom code)

- 5:31 mitsvah = Command (wisdom code)

choq = Decrees/Statutes

mishpat = Laws

- 5:32 tsavah = Command (word)

- 5:33 derek = Command (the WAYS)

tsavah = Command (word)

Three Ways:

- Sintax, Form and Tense of the words

- Supported by Jesus

- Context of the Command

1] Syntax, Form and Tense of the Words

Which form of law/command is used?

- Mitsvah = predominantly ABSOLUTE commands,

o Ten Commandments

o The CODE of wisdom

- Choq = statutes, prescriptions, predominantly CIVIL laws

- Mishpat = laws of process or judgments, laws for righteous living

o Holiness laws

o Health and wellness laws

- Tsavah = the WORD, or the TELLING

o Covers all the laws as God’s WORD

There are no Hebrew words for “THOU SHALT NOT…)

- All that is implied in the syntax and tense of the verb

- Duet 5:17 “Thou shalt not kill” or “You shall not murder”

o Really only one Hebrew word (ratsach) “murder”

o Given in the IMPERATIVE mood “SHALL NOT murder”

 Imperative is the command voice

 Opposite being Suggestive mood “I think it would be good not to murder that person”

o Given in the IMPERFECT tense “NEVER shall you murder”

 Imperfect means it is open ended or absolute meaning it is for ALWAYS or NEVER

 Opposite is Perfect meaning NOW or Immediately “Please don’t kill that person!”

- Leviticus 19:28 “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselfs”

o Translated “do not” as opposed to “SHALL NOT”

o Again, just one word for “do not make” cuttings and “do not make” marks on yourself

 Subjunctive or Dependent mood “It is not good to” cut, tattoo

 Imperfect “It is NEVER good to cut yourself or tattoo yourself”

- Exodus 21: 17 “Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death”

o Translated “anyone who curses” is just one word, “curses”

 Conditional mood “IF you curse ... THEN death”

 Imperfect “If you ALWAYS curse …then ALWAYS put to death”

2] Jesus or New Testament Support

- Matthew 5 – 7 is Jesus supporting and giving meaning to the ten commandments

o You have heard, “You shall not murder, but I tell you anyone who calls someone an idiot is committing murder”

- Romans 14 is Paul saying

o “One mans faith allows eating everything, one eats only veggies”

o “One man considers one day more sacred another …”

o “I am fully convinced the no food is unclean in itself …”

o “The kingdom of God is NOT a matter of eating and drinking”

3] Context of the Command

- ANE Mindset – what did it mean to THEM back THEN?

- God calls us to be Holy, set apart and separate from the world

o What did that mean for them

o What does that mean for us NOW

- “You Shall NOT murder”

o Means the same thing for us as it did for them

- “Do not cut your bodies or make other marks on your skin

o For THEM

 Cutting scars for their gods showed passion and conviction

 Marking themselves showed their FAITH

 Tattoos represented temple prostitution (male and female) complete devotion to their gods

o For US

 Cutting your skin represents mental issues

• Different then ANE but still not good

 Tattooing your body is a form of expression

• Not good but not necessarily bad

- “Curses father and mother must be put to death

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