
Summary: Sermon Series I preach when our Church went through Rick Warren's C.L.A.S.S. Christian Life And Service Seminars Thanks to Rick Warren for the Foundation of this Sermon Series

Question: How did the Apostle Paul accomplish so much?

Ephesians 4:22-24 “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” (NLT)

The Apostle Paul’s Passions:

1. Paul saw himself as a debtor! Vs. 14 “For I have a great sense of obligation to people…” (NLT)

Paul debt became his passion!

1 Corinthians 9:16 “Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (NIV)

Question: Do you desire to Glorify God and Edify others in the passions of your heart?

2. Paul was eager to share the Gospel! Vs. 15 “So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News.” (NLT)

Question: Do you love what God has called you to do?

3. Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! Vs. 16 “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ.” (NLT)

The message of the cross will always be ridiculed as foolishness and weakness by those whose eyes are blinded by worldly wisdom.

2 Timothy 1:12 “I am suffering now because I tell the Good News, but I am not ashamed, because I know Jesus, the One in whom I have believed.” (NCV)

The Call of our Passion:

1. Pay all our debts!

Romans 13:7 “Pay everyone, then, what you owe.” (NCV)

2. Be eager to share the Gospel!

Romans 10:17 “So faith comes from hearing the Good News, and people hear the Good News when someone tells them about Christ.” (NCV)

3. Live like you believe!

1 John 2:5-6 “But if someone obeys God’s teaching, then in that person God’s love has truly reached its goal. This is how we can be sure we are living in God: Whoever says that he lives in God must live as Jesus lived.” (NCV)

Question: Are you living out your Passion?

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