
Summary: oh!church of Ephesus!you have left First Love!! This is the time to sit and examine to search the lost Gems, New Annointing is in the Land of Living 2003.

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7 Spiritual Gems you Have Lost

If wealth is lost nothing is lost,

If health is lost something is lost,

If character is lost everything is lost.

are you sad to think that you lost some thing in your life, you need not worry about it, because

" The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19 : 10)

" To Seek and to save that which is lost" was the main purpose of the coming of Jesus into the world. When you lose any of your material possessions you are immediately aware of the loss. But the sad thing is, you are not even aware the lost spiritual things and you do not search for it. If you know the value of the thing that was lost and its spiritual consequences, you will not keep quiet. Dear friend, the Spirit of God loves you and therefore He speaks to you in a Still Small voice. "Will you not search for those wonderful spiritual things you have lost?our Saviour has come to save the lost.By the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are going to receive all the 7things you have Lost.Amen!


" For this my son wad dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry" (Luke 15:24)

The prodigal son had lost his Life as he left his father.& he lost every thing that his gave him. When he came to himself he realized that he had lost some thing precious and he came back to his father. The Life that he had lost was not ordinary life but as son he had precious life. It is true that the wealth he had taken away from his father was also lost. But this loss was not of a serious nature because when he got back the fellowship of his father he was able to enjoy his father’s wealth once again. Dear friend, if you get back the Life with God you will certainly enjoy the blessings that come from Him. God ,our Father has given us Eternal life, because you are His son.1John5;11

"The Father loveth the son and hath given all things into his hand " (John 3:35).

Jesus came into the world to restore the Life& every blessing that mankind had lost. He had to pay a heavy price for it on the cross. Dear reader, confess your sins and claim this Eternal life once again in faith. God will certainly give back His abiding presence to you.


When David was staying at Ziglag,Amalekites came and burnt all their houses, and had taken the women captives,they slew not any, either great or small but carried them away .David and his men lost their wives and their sons and their daughters, so David lost every thing. At that time all his men became his enemies, so David wept bitterly, and he lost his strength also.David was greatly distressed.

dear friend are you in the same condition as David was?

Have you lost everything by your enemy Amalekites.

But you know that you have a good news. Our Saviour is able to restore all that we lost.

David also when he lost every thing he enquired at the Lord,, knowing that our God is God of Restoration.

David lost all these things because he was living in the place of danger.Dear friend you are also living in this world of insecurity. you may lose everything, because of Amalekite.

But David followed his enemy with the password from the God of Restoration.

1Samuel 30;18 says, David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away.And nothing was lacking to them neither small nor great ....David recovered all.with God you will be able to recover all that you had lost in your life, dear friend.

But listen to the word of God in prayer, He will speak to you clearly to follow your enemy to recover all.


" Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works ; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent" (Rev. 2: 4,5).

as the years are passing, Little by little many believers lose their first love. The excitement and joy of the early days of salvation and annointing, disappear. The sad thing is that they are not aware of this loss. thinking that they still have the same Love they had once, but doing all the repeated works , it is very misrable they are not in the Love of God!

Losing the first love is falling!

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