Sermon Series
  • 1. What To Do When You Have To Fight A Giant

    Contributed on Jan 11, 2020

    This message looks at the story of David and Goliath and what the best steps are when we are facing a giant in our lives.

    Through my ministry, when I’ve been planning and dreaming and dreaming and scheming, I often ask myself, what’s the worst that could happen? Basically, I’m asking myself “What’s the worst-case scenario?” Now, some people seem to only gravitate to the worst-case scenario in their lives, and it more

  • 2. What To Do When You've Been Swallowed By A Fish

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2020

    So, you've been swallowed by a fish. What next? This message looks at that scenario and offers solutions.

    What’s the worst that could happen? It’s a question that we often ask ourselves, or at least it’s a question that I often ask myself, maybe you never ask yourself that question. Maybe I’m just strange. But what happens when it’s worse than you could have imagined? When you underestimated the more

  • 3. What To Do When All Hope Is Lost

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2020

    This message was for our 25th anniversary as a church, that we celbrated online because of COVID-19 Looks at how to find hope when it's been lost.

    Through January and February our sermon series was Worst Case Scenarios. Who would have believed that a month later the world would be living through a worst-case scenario? We could write a new chapter to the book: What to do if you are living in a pandemic. 1. Wash your hands 2. Don’t touch more

  • 4. What To Do When You Are Nailed To A Cross

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2020

    Our dying words reveal a lot about us. This message looks at the seven last words of Jesus

    So, this is how it would end. Not being crowned a king but dying a criminal. Executed as a traitor to both his country and his faith. This weekend we are tying up our Worst-Case Scenario series. Through January and February and then again in April we’ve been looking at various Worst-Case more

  • 5. What To Do When You Wake Up In A Grave

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2020

    Because of Christ's Resurrection, we have new life, what can the resurrection teach us about that new life?

    I’ve told the story before, in 2013 I was leading a teaching trip in West Africa. We flew into the capital of Ghana, Accra and then drove 16 hours to where we were teaching. Now I love the people of Ghana, and there are many things about West Africa I enjoy, but the traffic is horrendous. The more