Sermon Series
  • 1. A Princess To All The World

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2013

    Sarai/Sarah faced a lot of hardships in her life with Abram/Abraham. Sometimes he dealt with things in her own way and suffered the consequences. But in the end, her faith in God brought her the one thing she desired the most, a son.

    Four thousand years ago, barrenness was the ultimate disgrace; it was seen as a sign of divine disfavor. If you don’t have children, it’s because God’s got something against you. Period. A woman who couldn’t conceive suffered not only lack of approval, but also the threat of more

  • 2. The Mother Of All Life

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about Eve: the first woman, the Fall, and the life-giving gift of God's grace.

    For the first chapter and a half of the Bible. We see God busy at work; creating the place we call Earth and all that is a part of it. And at every step of the way, God declares his creation “good.” Then it all changes. Halfway through chapter 2, God is busy helping the human, more

  • 3. That's Gonna Leave A Mark!

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2013

    The story of Deborah remind us that the key to winning the victory over struggles in our lives is to listen to God and heed what God says.

    We come this morning to one example of what I consider to be the most difficult part of the Bible to understand. So I’m just going to name it for what it is, right up front. This scene of Deborah calling members of the Israelite tribes into battle is just one story among many of the seemingly more

  • 4. Life-Giving Companions

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2013

    When we are faithful to God, God will be faithful to us, and amazing things will happen!

    Many of us are quite familiar with the story of Job. In the Bible, Job is the guy God chooses to prove to Satan the faithfulness of God’s followers. The result is that God repeatedly “tests” Job, making his life extremely difficult, in order to show Satan how he remains faithful more

  • 5. The "Go-To" Gal

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the prophetess Huldah.

    In order to understand the story of Huldah, we have to understand the story of Israel at this point in their history. You see, we are now long past the “golden days” of King David’s reign and King Solomon after him. The twelve tribes have been divided into two different kingdoms; ten of the tribes more

  • 6. With Great Privilege, Comes Great Responsibility

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013

    As disciples of Christ, we have an obligation to

    Let’s talk about this woman, Esther. And I actually want to start today, at the end of her story. Were any of you able to read through Esther this week? If so, then you know that the ending of the book seems a bit strange. Here’s how it goes, “Certainly, Mordecai the Jew was more