Sermon Series
  • 1. Wonderful Counsellor

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    In this series of messages we look at the names of Christ from Isaiah 9:6.

    Wonderful Counsellor Sunday, December 2, 2001 Intro: Look at the birth announcements in Saturday’s paper. Not one of the announcements have a reference to what the baby will be when it grows up. No one can predict. But in Isaiah 9:6 we have a different sort of birth announcement. The more

  • 2. Mighty God

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Another in the series on Christ from Isaiah 9:6.

    Mighty God Sunday, December 16, 2001 A couple of weeks ago at our seven and eights group on Wednesday night we looked at the question of Jesus resurrection. We did it from a different sort of perspective. I divided the kids up into groups and gave each group one of the most common more

  • 3. Everlasting Father

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 10 ratings

    Another in the series on Christ from Isaiah 9:6.

    Everlasting Father Sunday, December 23, 2001 As I have been preparing my message this week, I feel as though I should have saved this for Father’s Day rather than preaching it at Christmas. Everlasting Father is the name that we find this week in Isaiah 9:6 in referring to the Son who is more

  • 4. Everlasting Father

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    Another in the series on Christ from Isaiah 9:6.

    Everlasting Father Sunday, December 23, 2001 As I have been preparing my message this week, I feel as though I should have saved this for Father’s Day rather than preaching it at Christmas. Everlasting Father is the name that we find this week in Isaiah 9:6 in referring to the Son who is more

  • 5. Prince Of Peace

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 180 ratings

    Another in the series on Christ from Isaiah 9:6.

    Prince of Peace Sunday, December 30, 2001 Just before Christmas Paul Harvey told the story of a father whose son had gone off to fight for the union army during the American civil war. After months of camp fever, his son finally saw battle and was seriously wounded. News of his son’s wound more