Sermon Series
  • 1. "The Image Of God: His Fingerprints On His Creation”

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2021

    Understanding the Image of God heals our ethnic strife.

    THE IMAGE OF GOD: HIS FINGERPRINTS ON HIS CREATION I. Made in his image (Genesis 1:26a) II. Made in his likeness (Genesis 1:26b) A. Humankind, male and female (Genesis 1:27-28) I. to be fruitful and multiply II. to subdue it and rule over it more

  • 2. "Jonah: God’s Compassion Is Different From Ours”

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2021

    “True compassion comes from God. It is sacrificial and reflects and honors Christ. It is otherworldly. It is inspiring, beautiful, and compelling. But the sin of racism is evidenced by a lack of compassion for those deemed inferior.”

    JONAH: GOD’S COMPASSION IS DIFFERENT FROM OURS I. Jonah Rebels and Runs from God (1:1-3, 7, 17) A.God Supernaturally pursues Jonah (vv.3-9) 1. Sailors REPENT, and God Relents (vv.5-16) II. Jonah Prays and Recommits (2:1-10) III. Jonah PREACHED, and Nineveh Repents (3:1-10) IV. more

  • 3. "Amos: Justice And Righteousness Matter To God”

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    “The prophet Amos was sent by God to warn Israel of the coming judgment upon their idolatry and rampant injustice.“They had a form of self-satisfied religion where they actively wanted the blessing of God for themselves and their family yet had little concern for their neighbor. ”

    “ I. What God Hates (5:21-23) A. Hypocritical & False Worship 1. Festivals 2. Assemblies B. Insincere Repentance & Giving 1. Burnt Offerings 2. Grain Offerings 3. Peace Offerings II. What God Approves (V.24) A. Justice more

  • 4. "John The Baptist: Bear Fruits Of Repentance”

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2021

    “John the Baptist was a prophet of God sent to call Israel to repent. His message was a command for the people to “bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Luke 3:8). The people were called to produce real change in their lives and not to depend on their national-ethnic identity (Matthew 3:9).”

    I. The Call of the Prophet (3:1,2) II. The Content of the Gospel He Preached (vv.3-9) III. The Response Caused By the Gospel Message (vv.10-14) IV. The Character of the Prophet (vv.15-17) V. The Commitment to Christ of the prophet And the Repentant (vv.18-20) more

  • 5. "People From Every Tribe, Tongue, People, And Nation Worshipping The Lamb”

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2021

    “As the prophecy of Revelation unfolds, the events concerning the kingdom rule of Christ over all nations are true. All peoples will worship, and those who desire to obey the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) may experience a glimpse of what eternal worship will be.”

    I. The Lamb Alone Can Open the Book of the Seven Seals (vv.1-4) II. The Lamb Has Authority to Judge (vv.5-7) A. He is the Lion of Judah (v.5) B. He is the Root of David (v.5) C. He has Overcome to open the Book (v.5) D. He Has Received Authority from the more