Sermon Series
  • 1. Unafraid - God Has Heard Your Prayer

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is the first in a Christmas series that examines the several "Fear Not" commands given throughout the Christmas story. This is the story of Zechariah.

    (Song - "Fear No More" - Building 249) That might be you this morning. You didn’t choose to be situated quite like you are this morning. Things haven’t turned out just like you’d hoped. And here you are. If the future is anything like much of the past, it’s looking pretty scary. But more

  • 2. You Have Found Favor With God

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2021

    Continuing Christmas series. Looks at Mary as a proper response to what would ordinarily terrify us.

    Mary didn’t just suddenly appear on the earth. She was born, just like any other baby girl. She wasn’t from a thriving center of commerce and wealth. She was from a little town in the region of Galilee - a town where someone asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” We know something more

  • 3. Unafraid - God Has A Plan

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2021

    Continuing Christmas series. A look at Joseph, the way his plans were submitted to God's.

    All through these days, weeks, months, Joseph has been making a plan. God knew what He was doing when He created marriage and made it the central place where mankind would be reproduced, and nurtured. Little boys will grow up to become young men. Young men will feel the urge to establish their more

  • 4. Unafraid - There’s Good News For Everyone!

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2021

    Christmas sermon - in series. This is a look at the Shepherds and the reason to "fear not" at Christmas!

    (Video - Skit guys - shepherd - First Christmas - 2:02) Intro: All people. That means you too. Here at CCC, we want it to be very clear that we believe God has good news for all people. If you read or watch what’s usually referred to as “news,” I’ll bet you’re with me when I say we could more

  • 5. Unafraid

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2021

    Christmas Eve sermon - a wrap up to a series about being "unafraid."

    For several weeks we’ve been working on being unafraid this Christmas season. After all, there are several things about Christmas that can be pretty scary, aren’t there? In case you haven’t considered it, I put together a few things of which to be afraid this Christmas: • Scrooge is a bit more