Sermon Series
  • 1. Tolerance - 1

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2010

    We live in an age of tolerance. Political correctness has obliterated common sense to the point that most people think it is a basic human right not to be offended.

    Dakota Community Church July 11, 2010 Tolerance – Part 1 We live in an age of tolerance. Political correctness has obliterated common sense to the point that most people think it is a basic human right not to be offended. Examples from the internet: Another street preacher in the U.K. more

  • 2. Tolerance - 2

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2010

    As Christians we want to show love and respect to everyone, especially those outside the faith. What I am talking about here is not tolerating heresy and false teaching FROM CHRISTIAN PULPITS!

    Dakota Community Church July 18, 2010 Tolerance – Part 2 We live in an age of tolerance. This series is not about being intolerant. As Christians we want to show love and respect to everyone, especially those outside the faith. What I am talking about here is not tolerating heresy more

  • 3. Tolerance - 3

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2010

    A false gospel is damning and must be rejected! Watch out for false prophets... By their fruit you will recognize them.

    Dakota Community Church July 25, 2010 Tolerance – Part 3 We live in an age of tolerance. An Issue of Definition Tolerance has come to mean the acceptance of every viewpoint as equally true and valid. True tolerance means treating with integrity dignity and humility a person more

  • 4. Tolerance - 4

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2010

    We do not – we cannot - put God in a box. He is “I AM” What sound doctrine does, what teaching in line with the Words of Jesus does; is KEEP US IN A BOX.

    Dakota Community Church August 8, 2010 Tolerance – Part 4 Tolerance has come to mean the acceptance of every viewpoint as equally true and valid. True tolerance means treating with integrity dignity and humility a person whose opinion I consider to be untrue and invalid. 1. What about more