Sermon Series
  • 1. There's A Song In The Air

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2013

    This is the first of a series of messages based on some of the most popular Christmas hymns.

    Nothing has the ability to communicate a message as powerfully as music. In fact, Martin Luther wrote, “Next to theology I give music the highest place of honor.” It is the music that we hear that lets us know that Christmas is right around the corner. There are more songs written about more

  • 2. Silent Night

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2013

    This is the second message in a series based on some of the most popular Christmas hymns.

    No Christmas Eve candlelight service would be complete without singing the song we are going to look at today. In fact, I had expected this one to easily hold the top spot in our survey. As you have probably guessed the song is “Silent Night.” This song has the ability to bring peace to more

  • 3. O’ Little Town Of Bethlehem

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2013

    This is the third message in a series based on some of the most popular Christmas hymns.

    On December 24, 1865 at the age of thirty Phillips Brooks’ life would be changed forever by a Christmas Eve service that lasted nearly five hours. The service took place at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Brooks wrote, “I remember standing in the old church in Bethlehem close more

  • 4. O Holy Night

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2013

    This is the fourth message in a series based on some of the most popular Christmas hymns.

    “O Holy Night” is of the most beautiful and favorite songs that tells of the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem. What many people don’t realize is that the combined talents of three much unexpected people brought us this song. In fact, this song is the result of the work a wine more

  • 5. I Wonder As I Wander

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2013

    This is the final message in a series based on some of the most popular Christmas hymns.

    This is a Christmas carol written by folklorist and singer John Jacob Niles. The carol has its origins in a song fragment collected by Niles on July 16, 1933. This is the story behind the song. In the middle of the summer in 1933, the Morgans, a poor homeless family in Murphy, North Carolina, was more