Sermon Series
  • 1. Women In Ministry

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 60 ratings

    This is a scholarly study of women in ministry. I realize all will not hold to my conclusions. This research resulted in three sermons. 1. Women In Creation. 2. Women’s Leadership Throughout the Bible. 3. Dealing with problem texts.

    [This is a scholarly study of women in ministry. From this came three sermons on the Role Of Women in Ministry. I realize all will not hold to my conclusions. The sermons I preached were: 1. Women In Creation. 2. Women’s Leadership Throughout the Bible. 3. Dealing with problem more

  • 2. What Really Happened To People Who Died Before The Resurrection Of Jesus?

    Contributed on May 1, 2007
    based on 40 ratings

    This is a study on Sheol - the abode of the dead. This concept is found both in the Old and the New Testament.

    SHEOL: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO PEOPLE WHO DIED BEFORE THE RESURECTION OF JESUS? All who died before the resurrection went to SHEOL. Ecclesiastes 9:2-3 (HCSB) Everything is the same for everyone: there is one fate for the righteous and the wicked, for the good and the bad, for the clean and more

  • 3. The Lord's Supper - What Is It?

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2007
    based on 54 ratings

    This sermon is a short devotion giving four statements of what The Lord’s Supper is. 1. It is a SIMPLE ACT. 2. It is a REMINDER. 3. It is a SYMBOL. 4. It is a STATEMENT OF FAITH. We take part in it after SELF-EXAMINATION.

    The Lord’s Supper – What Is It? "On the 19th of November 1967, in Viet Nam, Chaplain Charlie Waters was moving with one of the companies of his Battalion when it became engaged with heavily enemy fire. As the battle raged and the casualties mounted, Chaplain Waters rushed forward to the line of more

  • 4. The Lord's Supper - What Is It? (Expanded)

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    This is a sermon that I preached several years ago - but I have expanded it. The Lord's Supper: 1, It is a simple act 2, It is a reminder 3. It is a symbol 4. It is a statement of faith

    The Lord’s Supper – What Is It? Our text for today is from First Corinthians chapter eleven. Please follow along as I read: "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had more