Sermon Series
  • 1. The Signs Of Jesus' Return Part 1

    Contributed on Jan 4, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This Sermon Series is a look at Jesus' Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). This message examines the questions asked by the disciples. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    We live in uncertain times. How often has it been said that we are living in the end times? I’ve been asked on several occasions if I would preach about the end times. I have done so in the past and will do so in the future. In my preaching, I try, to the best of my ability and understanding, to more

  • 2. The Signs Of Jesus' Return Part 2

    Contributed on Jan 11, 2021

    Wars and rumor of wars, famine and earthquakes, what does it all mean? All Bible references are from the NASB.

    I know many are worried about the future. When we consider the incoming administration in Washington, with its decidedly anti-Christian flavor to many of the policies that they are pushing forward, when we consider the violence in our capital building by mobs, we are distressed. Are these the more

  • 3. The Signs Of Jesus' Return Part 3

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As Christians, are we ready to face the trying times ahead? All Scripture quotes are from the NASB.

    We are looking at the Signs of Times. A person must be dumb, deaf, and blind, to miss the what is happening in today’s world, all around us. It was no different in Jesus’ day. The high and mighty religious officials were asking Jesus for sign and Jesus made this statement to the Pharisees and more

  • 4. Troubled Times Ahead

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2021

    Are we ready for the time of Tribulation that lies ahead? All Scripture quotes are from the NASB.

    As we look at the events of recent history, in this country and around the world, we wonder are we seeing the beginnings of the end times? We ask the question, when will Jesus come back? Will we, the church, be raptured out before it all gets bad? Often, I feel like we are one big family, more

  • 5. The Second Coming

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2021

    What will the Second Coming look like? This message preceded the observance of the Lord's Supper. All Bible References are from the NASB

    Jesus is coming again. The Bible makes this fact very clear. Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with promises of the Second Coming of Christ. There are 1,845 references to it in the Old Testament, and a total of seventeen Old Testament books give it prominence. Of the 260 chapters in the more

  • 6. When Will Jesus Return?

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2021

    To be examined is the suddenness and unexpected nature of Jesus' return. All Bible references are from the NASB.

    Yes, Jesus is coming again and we see the signs all around us. That is a central fact that all serious Bible Scholars agree. What Biblical scholars are is not in agreement with is the when of His return. But there are some things we are in agreement about: Jesus will return physically and with more

  • 7. Be Ready Part 1

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2021

    Are you ready for Jesus to come or to give you your last heartbeat? Either way, you will meet Jesus and give an account. All Biblical quotes are from the NASB unless otherwise indicated.

    What would you do different if you knew Jesus was coming for you today. Think about it. Whether Jesus physically returns as we have read about, that he will come for His people, the church, or Jesus grants you your last breath, your last heartbeat? If you knew that was going to happen this more

  • 8. Be Ready Part 2

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2021

    Just because you are a church member, gives no guarantee of salvation. All quote from Scripture is from the NASB

    Jesus is coming again. Each day is one day closer to that Day. Jesus give many warning about that day. Matthew 24:42 “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. In His Olivet Discourse, Jesus talks about the perilous times that wait for us as the time of His more

  • 9. What You Do Matters

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2021

    Until Jesus comes, it does matter what we do or fail to do. All Bible quotes are from the NASB.

    The return of Jesus is perhaps one of the most talked about things by Jesus and subject of many parables, not just these in the these two chapter of Matthew 24-25. Jesus talked about the signs of His second coming in Chapter 24, which we covered over the past few weeks. The last three parables more

  • 10. The Coming Judgment

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2021

    Final sermon in the series: "the Signs of the Times." What is the evidence of your salvation? All Scripture quotes are from the NASB.

    We began this series at the first of the year. The setting was on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem. The disciples were showing off the magnificent Temple to Jesus and Jesus told them that a time was coming when “not one stone will be left upon another.” The Disciples asked what will more