Sermon Series
  • 1. Psalm 40, Responding To The Goodness Of God!

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2014

    David responds to the goodness of God, how do we engage with God that we too might sing a new song of praise?

    Psalm 40, responding to the goodness of God! It interests me in life how often we hear of people who through some circumstance or other suddenly develop an interest in God. That kind of “it’s all gone to pack sort of, I’m out in the harbour in a storm and the motors packed more

  • 2. Praying In The Will Of God.

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2014

    Will you pray that God’s will be done in your lives? Will you be willing to live lives that encounter God’s mercy and grace. Will you pray knowing that you are in a rhythm of pray that will be answered for it is prayed knowing that his kingdom will come.

    Praying in the will of God. Last week we looked at whole idea of reflecting on the words of scripture using divine reading or lectio divina. The passage of scripture that I brought was a prayer that was in itself a response to God’s answering prayer. King David was lifted from the more