Sermon Series
  • 1. Nehemiah 1: His First Prayer

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2024

    The Book of Nehemiah has more than some people realize. This series focuses on the recorded prayers of Nehemiah as he, a Persian royal official, served the LORD God of Israel.

    Introduction: The Book of Nehemiah is one that hasn’t been studied very often, as far as I know. There are some exceptions: Dr. Charles R. Swindoll wrote a book called “Hand Me Another Brick” a number of years ago, focusing on various aspects of Nehemiah’s life, times, and deeds. When I lived in more

  • 2. Nehemiah 2: A Silent Prayer Of Nehemiah

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2024

    There are times when we as believers simply cannot utter a spoken or verbal prayer. Nehemiah faced a similar situation when he could only pray silently. The LORD heard that prayer and answered.

    Introduction: The first chapter of Nehemiah has the record of how he, a Jew in service of the Persian king, heard news about Jerusalem. It wasn’t good news and it drove Nehemiah to his knees, figuratively speaking, and he recorded one of the greatest prayers in the Old Testament. The news was more

  • 3. Nehemiah’s Third Prayer: Asking God To Intervene

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2024

    The Jews, under Nehemiah's leadership, began to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. They heard some very discouraging news. Nehemiah heard this as well, and prayed to the LORD about it.

    Introduction: Nehemiah had been in Jerusalem long enough for the people living there to begin rebuilding the city walls. Chapter 3 gives an account of the various groups who took part in this rebuilding effort. By now, the enemies of Judah had noticed and were not happy. 1 The Words of the more

  • 4. An Outline For The One-Sentence Prayers Of Nehemiah:

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2024

    There are seven one-sentence prayers in the Book of Nehemiah. This outline lists each one and provides some thoughts about each one, followed by a conclusion.

    Introduction: The Book of Nehemiah has a number of Nehemiah’s prayers, but certainly not all. Some, like the first, were several verses long; others, a little shorter, and then there were a number of one-sentence prayers. This outline cites the half-dozen or so of these very brief, very terse, more